sorry for the lack of proper title but im not a fan of how they brushed off the assault like that....even though (thankfully) the alpha dude didn't get to go all the way, it's still assault and honestly i was expecting yoji to be a little more affected by it. not saying it's bad that he was able to get over it so quickly and this isn't based off of a true story so it doesn't have to be realistic, but it does feel a little...odd? that he was able to pop back without any kind of ptsd (for the lack of a better wording) after a few days. not everyone reacts the same way after being assaulted so if he's able to move on easily then good for him but it's definitely not the usual for someone to be back on their feet like that so quickly and it kinda bothered me.
there's a total of 6 chapters for this book and i hope in one of the remaining 3 chapters that alpha and the dad get karma