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pinkpuffkyspls's topics ( All 4 )

Nana June 5, 2021 4:45 am

Someone explain to me why the pink haired guy is a bad guy ? I think how the black haired guy is acting is way worse....

    Love June 5, 2021 5:22 am

    You will see in the future chapters..
    i cant tell you if you want a spoiler

    Love June 5, 2021 5:22 am
    You will see in the future chapters.. i cant tell you if you want a spoiler Love

    I mean I can tell you

    y4bbyb4by June 5, 2021 6:11 am
    I mean I can tell you Love

    Yes I do, I love for spoilers

    Bichen June 5, 2021 10:24 am
    You will see in the future chapters.. i cant tell you if you want a spoiler Love

    Please do tell, because I need to know it too before I indulge myself more on this.

Nana May 11, 2021 5:14 pm

i dont think its right for him to use his brother like that and lie to the mc but the way the other twin keeps pushing ohs boundaries irks me. The only reason they kinda have chemistry is because seo woo keeps feeding the twin all the information about oh. seeing as how seo woo picks up ohs behavior very quickly feels kind of nice, from the mcs point of view i would also like seo woo more

pinkpuffkyspls's questions ( All 2 )

Nana July 21, 2020 11:30 pm

Imagine thinking about someone constantly and just wishing to be beside them, but knowing they don’t give a rats ass about you.
No matter how much they pop up in your mind, that person doesn’t even think of texting you back.
No matter how much you want them, they don’t even spend time with you even if you ask them to.
No matter how much you miss them they won’t think you are worth it.
It doesn’t even matter to that someone if you like them so much.

┗( T﹏T )┛ Well good thing, life isn’t just about one person. There is someone in my future who’s going to be special and if that ain’t you b* its fine. ( I’m trying to be positive here welp )

Nana July 20, 2020 5:29 pm

I’ve read a sh*t load of bl mangas since I was young. I have been in 2 relationships before and i thought it was love, but here I am thinking.
What even is love ?!
I don’t think i really felt affection towards my past lovers, but then again I did feel something?
So whats your definition of it ?

    Whatever8876 July 20, 2020 5:43 pm

    Personally this is a question I ask myself a lot. I feel as if love is just wanting the best for that person and wanting to be with them. This can apply to family, friends and lovers. But what is the difference between lovers and family and friends. It might be sexual attraction. People say that a “deep” love can make you do things that you never thought you would do, what ever that may be for you. For me love is just a longing to be near someone and wanting to see them happy and ok. But in the end you get to determine what love means to you romantically, parental, friendship wise. Wishing you luck in life

    scarlletia July 20, 2020 5:48 pm

    never been in one before but i do believe i had my first love; its when you think of the person most of the time, always anticipate seeing/talking with them. But to me i think its more on when you start to feel that you want to take care of that speshul person, loving them unconditionally and supporting/appreciating each other’s dreams and values etc. but also correcting them whenever wrong. Also when you are able to be comfortable w/ each otherr like opening up and loving them for their own personality, not having to hide anything (but smtimes when ure inlurv, u just eventually learn to fall for every part of their personality lmao weird)

    ‘said a lot but theres rlly more to it than that lmaoo, simply put maybe just when your heart goes “doki doki”

    Send****** July 20, 2020 5:54 pm

    Bruh, I was born to be single, aromatic and a bitch. Even I don't know what that shit is no matter the number of people I see fall in love. I'm not even interested. And so as to what I'm doing here .........
    Just wasting your time(⌒▽⌒)

    Anonym2003 July 20, 2020 5:57 pm

    Uwah, I don’t know anymore. There’re so many definitions out there, and the most poetic and accurate ones are all in books, mangas and everything but reality.
    Based on what our 2D references, love is when you prioritize their happiness over your own. When you would rather let them go than see them suffer by your side. When you are feeling painful throbs around your heart whenever you’re apart, or just feel a missing piece of your life when they’re not with you. Love is when you want for them to always be happy, and if possible because of you.
    Based on real life experiences? Hahaha, I don’t really know. I thought I’ve been in love before but I have recently have the same thoughts as you. Maybe they were all just crushes? Or just attraction towards a preference?
    But I don’t think it should be a definition of love, more like associations to relate to. Because we all experience love in different ways and feel safe and sound with that certain partner in our own way. I guess you can call it love as long as your comfortable with each other, feel happiness whenever you’re in one anothers company, and wish the best for each other?

pinkpuffkyspls's favorite ( All 8 )

SangBum isn’t TOXIC!?!?! 09-02 22:51
SangBum isn’t TOXIC!?!?! 09-02 22:50
Fetish 08-30 23:01
the most cursed image you have 08-30 23:00
What's your single life story? 07-26 14:57

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