The little brother thing was so uncomfortable and unnecessary.

I understand your point, but think of it this way. If you are an evil horrible person what is the best way to hurt someone? To take away what matters most to them. What mattered most to him was his brother and he didn't want him to know about that part of his life so that's what the guy thought would hurt thin most. But thank God they were interrupted.

That was so disappointing. I’d much rather have seen them go crazy for each other WITHOUT an omegas pheromones involved. Not to mention the MIL is a nasty conniving person who messed in affairs unrelated to her. I really believe they would’ve gotten there by themselves and it would’ve been so much sexier if it wasn’t rushed. Dissatisfied.

I have to say I am utterly utterly disgusted by Toakomi's mother. Her actions were abusive, evil, & utterly wrong headed and the mangaka tried to excuse it basically by showing the death of his father as the reason his mother had to act as mom and father to excuse her wretched actions. I don't understand how the counselor was ok & the mangaka made him so 2 dimensional to advance her plot & didn't reconcile the fact that he said they aren't animals & he doesn't approve of the use of omega hormones to solve relationship problems. Toakomi's mom just overrode him. This really pissed me off I was left with a bad taste in my mouth because of these plot issues. Btw I guess since they fucked their communication problems and fighting are all better now? Seriously the author worked so hard in the beginning to develop strong characters only to put a huge dumpster fire on the ending of it. Absolutely disappointing!
Do I sense a love triangle?
Wait who? I'm confused
Omg brother x brother x doctor