hey guys can u help me find this fantasy manhwa. so I remember the fl went into a tavern to get revenge on the people who had her when she was young. there were 2 people in the tavern a old man and his wife. and obv the fl like got her revenge on those peeps. I'm not sure about this one but I think the old man and his wife are not the real parents of the fl and also if I remember correctly the fl had white hair
can someone help me find this fantasy manhwa. So I remember 1 scene the fl was like hanging outside on a balcony and she saw 2 people on the other side, a man and a female, the man was trying to force the girl into like a kiss or something but then the fl spotted them 2 and said something towards the man the stop him, the female then thanked the fl. If I remember the female was a good person who had red hair and was associated with a noble of high ranking, not entirely sure to
shes cute