Side stories consists of omegaverse,guideverse,fox babies,actors and multiverse
Ugh i love them i want more of tora and wu...i love kotone and nagi but cn we not go back to thrs for now and focus to wu tora..even though i know that aftr this nagi koto again... I just want more of wu tora
I actually like it that djn still have contact with hysng mom. And byul meeting his grandmother is somewhat nice...i hope in this stry hysung and the mom wll makeUp...
Oh my i just fnd out just now....this gnna be cute...and baby byul you grow up so beautifully handsome...hoping for AlphaXalpha... And the 2nd baby is so cute i hope it's a girl...
When are gtting the side stories? What to see thr children
Hey guys hope someone answer me...
How old is the ML and FL...?
When will ths coming back? I want to see more the lovely-dovey btwn sousuke and koma..
Ugh im here again bz i miss shige but now i remember that im not satisfied about masa...i want him really show more that h love shige my child...
2024 still not satisfied the masa act.. ugh so frustrating. I want more..
I think it jst one time switch.. but happy for the couple.
Find this manhwa fl have blode hair and ml first meet fl in her room? Ml hide in fl room? I think the ml is a prince oh and they continue meeting on fl room,laying dwn on sure if fl knws the ml is a prince .ongoing have beautiful art..oh
Damn this is so painful for chihiro he look up to you dammit...
Damn we're still in 2nd solo but im already emotional
Let's assume that the clwn fish that issei dreaming is the sign that towa is preg..
Where stll in chapter 24..but the raw have 36 chapters already...
I want the managers spinoff this is not enough..and tataraxhana too