Ashya looking so pretty without her braids...♡(> ਊ <)♡
If you all expected a redemption arc. Dear sorry to tell you thrs nothing like that...
Well hes not that much of a jerk now , seeing how much he's holding and realising his feelings it's already a redemption for me ಥ‿ಥ
Find this manhwa fl have blode hair and ml first meet fl in her room? Ml hide in fl room? I think the ml is a prince oh and they continue meeting on fl room,laying dwn on sure if fl knws the ml is a prince .ongoing have beautiful art..oh
Please help i cnt remember a bl manga rival at work but lover outside work?
maybe this?
Unfortunately it's not... it's a Japanese manga..
Ashya looking so pretty without her braids...♡(> ਊ <)♡