Listen...This is the main identifying thing I remember about this manga, ok? Yes, it's weird, but the plot seemed (semi)interesting, so I want to find it again.
I mainly remember there being this sorta rebellious guy who was brought (kidnapped?) to a man's apartment. The man seemed kinda like yakuza or sumn? Maybe? Anyways, this guy is left alone in the apartment with his hands tied or handcuffed, and gets really thirsty. So he drinks a ton of water outta the sink and later has to pee bad, like bad bad bad, and gets his pants off with his feet and pees in the shower drain outta desperation. Seme yakuza dude later comes back and fucks the guy cuz his pants are off and all, then goes into the shower and is like, "Why it stink??"
Does ANYONE know what I'm talking about?? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I need a good mind fuck psychological yaoi, or something like Warehouse. Really sad, really complicated, super messed up, anything like any of those works. Suggestions?
have fun :3 i really reccomend the first one in this list, it’s really good and tragic
So, throughout this whole series I've been noting how strange Jaekyung's ears are. I thought it was weird given that all the other character's ears look normal. I know nothing about boxing, so I've never seen this before, but I just stumbled upon the reason why his are different...
Boxers often get something called "cauliflower ears" because they're repeatedly hit there! The blood can collect in the outer ear and deforms it when it isn't drained properly.
Now, I'm sure I'm just dumb for not realizing this sooner, but now that I know, I wanted to share it in case anyone else thought it was strange. How cool that the artist included such a small detail! I'm geeking out over it (≧∀≦) Such amazing artwork regardless of the story and the conflicting opinions over it. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Wow, tganks for sharing. I never thought to link it to boxing. I just thought his ears were shaped different.
That's what I had thought as well! I chalked it up to being a style choice until I learned more about it.
Yesss it's so cool the artist included it! I was talking about how curious his ears were with my brother who does boxing and he told me abt it! Such a nice detail! ヾ(☆▽☆)
Omg I thought it was only me, had to back and recheck bc they kinda bothered me
bruh u manwha readers no nothing of the real world huh?
Says the one who misuses "no" instead of "know" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
See about your own education before commenting on another's
its literally a typo. i am probably more qualified then you are, you had to pick my typo that to form an argument that dosen't even prove what i said is wrong. was i wrong tho? you still know nothing
Nah, I know plenty. I know for sure that arguing with you is pointless, but I'm a stubborn ass and will do it anyway.
What you don't seem to understand is that not all medical conditions are common knowledge. I already said that I know nothing about boxing, which...is absolutely not something I need to know about.
Anyways, yeah. You are wrong. How are you "more qualified"?