princessinthebardo followed a list
03 06,2022
princessinthebardo followed a goer
03 06,2022
princessinthebardo followed question about fetishes and kinks

I personally belive I'm asexual, but I really love reading yaoi and stuff of that sort, fictional stuff mostly, not too interested in RL. So, talking not as much of about personal fetishes, but rather fetishes you like stories/manga about, what is a rare favorite? Mine would be boy's with pussies (idk a good word for pussy :/) Kind of similar t......

02 06,2022
princessinthebardo followed a list

BL that I think are less known & under-rated

❧ My ratings are strictly based on My personal opinion.

❧ Facts that I consider when tagging a manga as "Less known"- Number of lists they are included(Target-200),Number of votes(Target-200),Number of comments(Target-10) & Topics posted(Target-5 pages,without the anonymous ones).

❧ Some mangas have the same rating as mine but are kept here till they meet the targets & go beyond my ratings.

27 05,2022