PotatoCorn July 24, 2021 7:44 am

If only ppl stopped sharing illegal sites on social media. How many braincells do u even need to know that.

    Kiritani-san July 24, 2021 2:12 pm

    All pf them are minors ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PotatoCorn July 24, 2021 2:38 pm
    All pf them are minors ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Kiritani-san

    U can be a minor and still not be that dumb.

    PotatoCorn July 24, 2021 2:39 pm
    All pf them are minors ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Kiritani-san

    Tho i understand ur point

    Kiritani-san July 24, 2021 2:40 pm
    U can be a minor and still not be that dumb. PotatoCorn

    So umm, out of topic, why can't i post a comment on other manhwas? Or even reply to their comments? And umm, what's the fuss out there with all of the manhwas? I am only reading manga's as of now so i don't quite understand what's happening

PotatoCorn July 10, 2021 4:31 pm

Brown hair might be a creep but green haired mofo is way...way way worse. Also he looks so ugly omg

    Cinnamon roll July 10, 2021 4:34 pm

    Not trying to fight but.... What in the thing you said is a spoiler? ╥﹏╥

    PotatoCorn July 10, 2021 6:19 pm
    Not trying to fight but.... What in the thing you said is a spoiler? ╥﹏╥ Cinnamon roll

    I put the spoiler tag in case cuz some ppl might think it is. But its a pretty trivial matter.

PotatoCorn July 6, 2021 5:58 pm

Thank you so much for the uploads and all your hard work. We’re so grateful~

PotatoCorn July 6, 2021 4:37 am

This seme is so full of shit.

PotatoCorn June 29, 2021 3:51 pm


PotatoCorn June 29, 2021 4:27 am

This dumbass grandma is complaining about how she should have never accepted seme’s mommwhen it’s literally her fault for him being so miserable. She took away his childhood with his parents but at the same times those parents should have known their priorities and took care of the kid nonetheless. This doesn’t excuse the seme’s behavior but definitely explains it and it’s good to see things from his perspective to know whats going on in his head. I was a bit disappointed at the start cuz he was being so toxic but now it’s getting more interesting.

PotatoCorn June 28, 2021 9:50 am

Has the scan grp dropped this manhwa?

PotatoCorn June 21, 2021 5:43 am

This dude is a psychoo why the hell does he think he’s entitled to f*ck someone drunk. He’s insane and doesn’t take no for an answer seems like he wasn’t well educated on how consent works. Pathetic mofo

Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 3:45 pm

Guyss, the previous uploader didn’t stop because they didn’t want to upload here anymore. They stopped because of the artist of dear benjamin, because the artist even went in the discord server of the previous translators to cuss at them, so pls understand. But nonetheless I appreciate the person who translated chap 38.

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 3:46 pm

    If you want to stop just post a notice. Posting the beginning of the chapter to then promote their server was straight up wrong, especially since people waited for months. A lot of teams stop uploading stuff, none of them do that

    yaoifan559 June 18, 2021 3:52 pm

    Wait what? What’s this about the artist cussing people out on discord?

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 3:57 pm
    If you want to stop just post a notice. Posting the beginning of the chapter to then promote their server was straight up wrong, especially since people waited for months. A lot of teams stop uploading stuff, n... Meruemshu

    Chill dude

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 3:58 pm
    Wait what? What’s this about the artist cussing people out on discord? yaoifan559

    The author and artist of dear benjamin went into the server or prev translator and tried to make them stop illegally translating it to the point they cussed at the server. It's understandable

    ohlook June 18, 2021 4:11 pm

    Uhh that still doesn't excuse the way they baited us?? Ppl have been waiting months for the new season. Posting a spoiler to make it seem like there's an update, then saying to check the server for the full chapter, and then not even HAVING the chapter available once ppl get there, is just misleading and shitty lol.

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 4:18 pm
    Uhh that still doesn't excuse the way they baited us?? Ppl have been waiting months for the new season. Posting a spoiler to make it seem like there's an update, then saying to check the server for the full cha... ohlook

    The chapter is already out. Seriously why are y'all can not have like some patience for one more minute and just read the instruction they have? It's very2 easy and the translation is good quality. And they have been sharing here for season 1 and we all read from them.

    It's not even a false update like many other. It's just directing you to other place. The self-entitleness of y'all cursing at the team just cuz 1 minute of your time opening the page is wasted when they have been helping us for season 1 *smh*

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 4:23 pm
    Chill dude Lilacheng

    You're telling us to understand but you didn't even understand why people are mad before telling them to calm down. That's some crazy irony.

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 4:27 pm
    The chapter is already out. Seriously why are y'all can not have like some patience for one more minute and just read the instruction they have? It's very2 easy and the translation is good quality. And they hav... Lilacheng

    WHY. NOT. POST. A. NOTICE. THEN. And also THAT WAS a false update honey because that WASNT t he fcking chapter. If they wanted to advertise for themselves, a topic or at most a notice was enough.
    Like if you like being disrespected be disrespected on your own. see how the uploader made no notice saying "dont let anyone neglect you" and "people shouldnt be mistreated"? take notes or shut up.

    ohlook June 18, 2021 4:28 pm
    The chapter is already out. Seriously why are y'all can not have like some patience for one more minute and just read the instruction they have? It's very2 easy and the translation is good quality. And they hav... Lilacheng

    Because they easily could've done the same with a notice, not a chapter update. THAT'S how you properly "redirect" people. Like i said: it's misleading. Bye now

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 4:28 pm
    The chapter is already out. Seriously why are y'all can not have like some patience for one more minute and just read the instruction they have? It's very2 easy and the translation is good quality. And they hav... Lilacheng

    you must be a great asshole to genuinely believe that you can just treat people however you want solely bc you are in position of power and they need you. fck off.

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 4:30 pm
    You're telling us to understand but you didn't even understand why people are mad before telling them to calm down. That's some crazy irony. Meruemshu

    How d'you know I dont understand? I'm also waiting here for the scan for months. I also donated to collective ko-fi thing they did before. And several hours ago I also opened the page thinking the team finally uploaded here but didn't get any. So what I did is instead of cussing the scan team I just follow the direction calmly. Even tho I nvr had dscord before it turns out it's not that difficult, I just need to follow their instruction and waited another hour till they post the chapter.

    Certainly you're too emotional to do that so talking to you is useless

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 4:35 pm
    you must be a great asshole to genuinely believe that you can just treat people however you want solely bc you are in position of power and they need you. fck off. Meruemshu

    Yeah you just proved my point how crazily emotional you are. Better yet people like you don't get into the server lmfao.

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 4:36 pm
    How d'you know I dont understand? I'm also waiting here for the scan for months. I also donated to collective ko-fi thing they did before. And several hours ago I also opened the page thinking the team finally ... Lilacheng

    If you want to redirect people you simply post a notice. There's a reason why people are on MANGAGO to READ and not on discord in the first place.

    And no you obviously dont understand the problem of misleading people. If you're fine with being dragged all over the internet just because you're not in position of power, suits you honey but do NOT tell other people to accept the same bs as you do.

    now screw you.

    Meruemshu June 18, 2021 4:40 pm
    Yeah you just proved my point how crazily emotional you are. Better yet people like you don't get into the server lmfao. Lilacheng

    How is telling people the truth being "emotional" how many braincells are you missing? I'm not even angry I just find it despicable, but people have ALL RIGHTS to be mad about this.

    If you accept it good for you dont tell them to accept it, also yeah I would never join your sht discord. You're literally a dog who will let anyone treat them any way they want. Glad you didn't read the chapter here because you don't deserve the respect that the new uploader showed to readers.

    Remain a dog.

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 4:51 pm

    To reply to the last statement from Meruemshu cuz you blocked me lmao:

    Pfffftttt shame on you. I already read the chapter uploaded here before I read the one on dscord bcs the translation quality from them is much better.

    You do realise I can just need to click the chapter here to read and you can't do anything to stop me?
    Deserve the respect? What respect can you get from reading illegal translation from pirated sites. Damn how small your world is.

    bona June 18, 2021 4:55 pm
    How is telling people the truth being "emotional" how many braincells are you missing? I'm not even angry I just find it despicable, but people have ALL RIGHTS to be mad about this. If you accept it good for yo... Meruemshu

    Aaaaa Hello I’m not part of the original discussion but I couldn’t help notice the argument going on. I think a lot of unnecessary bad things have been said, when the matter at hand is actually really small. Whether or not someone finds an action offensive or disrespectful is up to them—it’s a matter of personal perspective that we can’t really change, and I think we can understand that. Could the scanlation team do their notice different? Definitely, although it’s not such an immoral thing; some people may find it annoying, and others may not. I don’t think it’s a matter to stress yourselves over, when it’s merely a mild inconvenience. The two of you just wanted to state your different views on the matter, and that’s okay! Because people place values on different things. Anyway, I’m sorry if I’m being nosy or I didn’t make sense hdhdhshhss

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:05 pm

    Oh great, my comment keeps getting deleted.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:06 pm
    To reply to the last statement from Meruemshu cuz you blocked me lmao: Pfffftttt shame on you. I already read the chapter uploaded here before I read the one on dscord bcs the translation quality from them is m... Lilacheng


    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:07 pm
    To reply to the last statement from Meruemshu cuz you blocked me lmao: Pfffftttt shame on you. I already read the chapter uploaded here before I read the one on dscord bcs the translation quality from them is m... Lilacheng

    I don't think you understood their point at all, you got to focused in telling them it was easy to make a Dįscørd instead.

    It's actually quite simple, the Team could had made a Notice instead of a Chapter Preview and a demand for people to join their Dįscørd in order to read the rest, when said chapter wasn't even available there yet.

    It's not about they only uploading on the Dįscørd or If it's easy or not to create one, it's about how they could easily said "We dropped here for said reason, we will update only our server now, feel free to join if you want" instead of giving 1 panel spoiler followed by a "Join the sęrver" demand.

    The way their ""Announcement"" was made, was a bad move that could've be easily done better and would not have had any bå¢klåsh from readers.

    Let's not forget how this is also a matter of personal perspective, most people got annoyed by the situation, a minority didn't. Still, everyone is allowed to having their own opnion about the subject.

    On a sidenote, all the mocking each other - which came from both of you -was really unnecessary. You (both) don't need to attack each other to try prove a point and you (particularly) needed to try and at least see their point instead of just plain ignoring and proceeding with an argument instead. I mean, it's difficult to have an actual debate when you simply dismiss what the other part is actually saying.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:08 pm

    I apologize for the notifications and the multiple comments, apparently båčklash is a cêπsøręd word. You learn something new everyday, I guess?

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:17 pm

    May I add another sidenote?

    Just because Mgg is an į||ęgä| węsitę, doesn't mean that we need to go around disrespecting everyone, It doesn't really matter if you are a reader, a uploader or etc. Specially knowing that most people here are teenagers, people who are trying to find a safe space or escape from something or knowing how some people get sensitive and some can get easily mad or overreact to something, being respectfull and mindfull of how you approach situations and threat people shouldn't be left aside and throw out of the window just because this wębsį†ę isn't |ęgå|.

    I guess this is just my personal opnion??
    I mean honestly, knowing how most users here acted in similar situations, knowing that not everyone would agree or like with the way the Scan Team approached the situation was something to be expected, I guess it just wasn't expected to be to this extreme or something like that.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:19 pm

    May I add another sidenote?

    Just because Mgg is an į||ęgä| węsį†ę, doesn't mean that we need to go around disrespecting everyone, It doesn't really matter if you are a reader, a uploader or etc. Specially knowing that most people here are minørs, people who are trying to find a safe space or escape from something or knowing how some people get sensitive and some can get easily mad or overreact to something, being respectfull and mindfull of how you approach situations and threat people shouldn't be left aside and throw out of the window just because this wębsį†ę isn't well... |ęgå|.

    I guess this is just my personal opnion??
    I mean honestly, knowing how most users here acted in similar situations, knowing that not everyone would agree or like with the way the Scan Team approached the situation was something to be expected, I guess it just wasn't expected to be to this extręme or something like that.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:23 pm

    May I add another sidenote?

    Just because this is an į||ęgä| węsį†ę, doesn't mean that we need to go around disręspe¢ting everyone, It doesn't really matter if you are a reädęr, a upløäder or etc. Specially knowing that most people here are minørs, people who are trying to find a safe späce or escäpe from something or knowing how some people get seπsi†ive and some can get easily mäd or ovęrreäct to something, being respectful and mindful of how you approäch situätions and treät people shouldn't be left aside and thrøw out of the window just because this wębsį†ę isn't well... |ęgå|.

    I guess this is just my personal opnion??
    I mean honestly, knowing how most usęrs hęre acted in similär situatiøns, knowing that not everyone would agree or like with the way the Scän Teäm apprøached this was something to be expected, I guess it just wasn't expected to be to this extręme or something like that.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 5:23 pm

    MY WIFI stopped for a second while I was pressing send without realizing.

    pumakitty June 18, 2021 5:59 pm
    you must be a great asshole to genuinely believe that you can just treat people however you want solely bc you are in position of power and they need you. fck off. Meruemshu

    ??? literally what the fuck are you talking about ???
    stop acting like your family, friends and the president himself was fooled and hurt by a translation team uploading a fucking spoiler chapter. it's not that serious. if you want to read, stop talking bullshit and get on the server and if you don't want to read the chapter i guess keep commenting dumb stuff on an illegal website.

    you guys take this way too serious like... chill. it's the most harmless thing ever.

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:12 pm
    If you want to stop just post a notice. Posting the beginning of the chapter to then promote their server was straight up wrong, especially since people waited for months. A lot of teams stop uploading stuff, n... Meruemshu

    They’re not doing anything wrong tho. U have the choice to join the discord server or not, up go u. And a small notice isn’t gonna kill anyone.

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:13 pm
    The author and artist of dear benjamin went into the server or prev translator and tried to make them stop illegally translating it to the point they cussed at the server. It's understandable Lilacheng

    Yea :(

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:14 pm
    Uhh that still doesn't excuse the way they baited us?? Ppl have been waiting months for the new season. Posting a spoiler to make it seem like there's an update, then saying to check the server for the full cha... ohlook

    A small notice wont kill anyone, also yea we’ve all been waiting for this but as ive explained they did it to avoid getting in trouble because of the author. They were kind enough to let us know a way we can keep on reading it. Yall are acting up on a pretty small issue here

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:16 pm
    The chapter is already out. Seriously why are y'all can not have like some patience for one more minute and just read the instruction they have? It's very2 easy and the translation is good quality. And they hav... Lilacheng

    Yea, it blows my mind how ppl are hating on the uploaders for doing this broo when its not even a fake upload.

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:17 pm
    You're telling us to understand but you didn't even understand why people are mad before telling them to calm down. That's some crazy irony. Meruemshu

    Arent yall getting mad over a small issue anyway ? The upload isnt fake. If u want u join the discord or not to read. Or read it here since other ppl night post it here. No need to make a big deal outta nothing

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:19 pm
    Because they easily could've done the same with a notice, not a chapter update. THAT'S how you properly "redirect" people. Like i said: it's misleading. Bye now ohlook

    Nonetheless, they didnt do anything wrong.

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:22 pm
    If you want to redirect people you simply post a notice. There's a reason why people are on MANGAGO to READ and not on discord in the first place.And no you obviously dont understand the problem of misleading p... Meruemshu

    No one is forcing u to join the discord server

    Tatiana_G June 18, 2021 7:24 pm
    Aaaaa Hello I’m not part of the original discussion but I couldn’t help notice the argument going on. I think a lot of unnecessary bad things have been said, when the matter at hand is actually really small... bona

    Thanks a lot for you opinion <3

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 18, 2021 8:07 pm
    Aaaaa Hello I’m not part of the original discussion but I couldn’t help notice the argument going on. I think a lot of unnecessary bad things have been said, when the matter at hand is actually really small... bona

    You completely made sense and I agree with you. Hope you have a nice day/night. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Lilacheng June 18, 2021 10:51 pm
    ??? literally what the fuck are you talking about ??? stop acting like your family, friends and the president himself was fooled and hurt by a translation team uploading a fucking spoiler chapter. it's not that... pumakitty

    Ikr, like they didn't do anything other than announcing, sure is clickbaity but seriously not that they deserve to be cursed and suddenly all their help for s1 is cancelled. Like where is this mnggago unwritten rule that says uploader cannot do this or that? Nothing. So basically they didnt do anything wrong. Anw I saw how this user answers other commenters in their homepage and it's just the same emotional curses here and calling names there. So yeah that kinda tells about themself and not someone to be associated with for me. Anw this gets too long. Have a good day

Tatiana_G June 14, 2021 4:15 pm

NOO !!! Things were getting better and u just had to do this to us author ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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