did sex for the first time as an adult and wow. i thought i would be disappointed because im a porn addict and thats supposed to mess up your brain and expectations. But it was a lot of fun even if i didn't have an insane orgasm or anything. i would like to do it again and im less nervous about seeking it out now that ive gotten it over with.
No I completely agree as a bi woman I do find yuris much harder to enjoy than BL. A big part is that the BL community is so much larger than the GL community, so you just don’t have to look so hard for something good. It’s easier to find good product when there is more of it. Another thing is that mostly it’s both queer women and men and str......
I really really REALLY wanna rewrite Miraculous Ladybug. I knew there was a fan page on instagram that is doing it now but they do it so slow tbh. I am so exasperatingly angry about how the actual show is WASTING so much potential character growth moments and good storytelling elements. In my rewrite, I was hoping to implement key things that would......
story where mc gives ml backshots everyday until one of them dies
Scrolling this thread while I'm getting rdy for work & stealing all the decent ideas so I can write them my way later >:3 Edit: nvm most of these are pretty bad LOL
It went… okay… It was with one of my childhood friends- And since we’re both men, it was quite confusing on what to do. I’m still a virgin- It was just touching and.. mouth using. I don’t regret it but it definitely made things awkward for a while.
Story games like Choices, Episode and Lovestruck. My GL obsession walked so my BL obsession could run. I was crazy over women and looking at 2 fictional women kiss back in the day omg I was insane. Nowadays I prefer BL, but I'll never forget those games that introduced me to GL and LGBTQ.
My siblings think im schizo because i told them I read a yaoi with umbrellas and they think I used ai for it. I searched for it everywhere but now I can’t find it. I swear im not delusional I swear umbrellaverse exists. If you guys ever come across this manga please lmk. I tried so hard to find it but I have no idea where tf it went
I started reading manga when i was really young and i started with an app called mangatoon and one day while looking at different types of genres i came across something called boy's love and i thought maybe these are the type of mangas boys likes so i started reading the the first manga i came across and i was like woah and i was also thinking is ......
Woke up handcuffed by my homie on a chair, making me choose between reading BL or experiencing it irl. Got too into the story that I just said fck being gay this story is dope as hell and continued reading it, now my homie drops me some recommendations or a book every chance he gets. (I am not gay, I just like reading it. You can never catch me doi......
Once we had a book fair in school and I used to be really into drawing Chibi characters so I Bought a "Chibi drawing guide". Later when I read through the "about the author" section I saw that she had a Twitter account by the user 'yoai' so I went on twitter and typed that into the search bar but instead of cute Chibi characters I got to see yaoi f......
There are many kids in here dawg