I don't get her logic? She asks. He asks. She doesn't wanna say, and he must say? Like some cases you crack open by offering some vulnerability. The heck outta here with this! Haesol is a necessary push character but really so one dimensional at times

The author literally hasn’t focused on her at all yet so of course she’s one dimensional, and they are both asking of each other the same thing, they don’t want to divulge but expect the other to, although when she said so what if you’re my boyfriend you don’t need to know was so shoujo ml of her lolololool
COME ON! Guys if ever you have someone who honestly showed up in action for you and they want you - SAY YES! Even if it ends, at least for a long moment you would have felt alive! Ughhh.... but I'm glad they reached the point. I thought they'd never get there