I'd love to see this to the end. This manga was the first that opened me to the disabilities world. Then I suddenly saw more anime and Manga that definitely will spark people's love and awareness for communities that could feel shunned. It makes me more sensitive to stop panicking because I think I can't help and just be me around anyone and get them to educate me on how best I could be useful

*May contain spoilers - not really*
Not my usual but I actually like the pacing of the drama. Sadly there are people who lie like that and I hope the truth comes to light. For a bit I thought Dillon was Jeje but Hella glad it wasn't so. Now... Dillon is an ass lol jayce too since he lost so must time fixating on Aqua. All in all, if I were to pick a couple to fave it's definitely Chris and Jeje despite not much chemistry happening hahah!
I had stopped at chapter 24 for a year or so I think. Then boom.... I'm satisfied and teary eyed. What a horrible way to leave a person hanging. I hate transitions. I'd love a person telling me their intentions. But waaaaaahhh I'm happy. When the dad and her were crying together I lost it