Dude don't run. At most say "Tell me when you're free" and walk away then vent. This running away thing is over rated. Yeeeeeees We all know Asahi is Hella insecure but every single woman is gonna make him flip his skirt
It's an ache how late an emotion shows but when it does, you can't stop it. I felt on edge throughout like I did not expect him to confess at all and I don't expect them to end up together but dang. Like.... Let his heart settle.
That was beautiful. The grandfather said that with such clarity there was no room for misunderstanding. Sometimes we know but we need it said. That was so sweet
But that swift change of tensions nice. That kiss was cute too like.... I really appreciate artists who don't always delve in to tongue kisses in every scene. Lip biting, sucking, light kisses - there are so many ways to intimacy and its all butterflies in belly
I got so touchy seeing Byul cry but this is the first and only Manga baby I'm seeing grow and is overly cute and I can't deal! Hyesungs character is in key though frustrating. At some point he needs to address himself and make choices to either progress or not. But Byul though.... Byul
I will continue till the end but that second story is so scary, creepy, and a no sir. He was clearly the stalker and the whole rape in the church thing? Yah.... Miss me mate
He doesn't need to land up with anyone in the story but he needs the healing, freedom, and progression to a good start. To be tossed through all that? No wonder he'd want to die
I have never before appreciated a translator before but those memes add to the hype of the story and I'm Hella pleased and pray you get commissioned, funded or whatever the case may be
This manga may be slow to update but I love it. From art to script to translation - thank you.
I guess it's still serialized in the magazine. So vol.2 will be kinda slow.
Makes sense. And I really don't mind. It's worth the wait and its costs.