I'm so tired of despairing over these self sacrificing idiots and it looks like i can't even escape them. I go to twitter, scroll through nf and see angsty tweets about the holy trinity, go to reddit and see deep discussions about the holy trinity, get information overload so i go to instagram and cope with wholesome fanarts of the holy trinity and then realize it'll never happen anyway, go to ao3 to feed my delusions about the holy trinity then achieve post nut clarity, go to youtube and i fucking see doomed yaoi, go to spotify instead and my playlists that are dedicated to them are hella angsty as well so i go back to this site to find another lovable loser who is most probably gonna make me sob with his depressing protagonist life. gaddamn what a time to live in.

i want to go the parallel universe where the webtoon actually gives novel yjh justice. LIKE in the novel bro was literally lost in his thoughts on how this turn and the people in it was so different compared to his other turns all because of kdj. BRO THEY DIDNT EVEN SHOW HIM HITTING THE WALLS OF THE DOME??!!! LIKE they could at least show him venting his anger and then become determined in leading the others to a scenario without kdj this time. But instead they just made him pose and just shoe a crack.. God i'm so sorry i didn't know its too gay to show punching angrily the walls after u mourn for ur homies death.

Here i am at the first half of the episode gawking drooling creaming sweating blushing giggling twirling my hair at his demon king splendor and then by the second half sobbing screaming crying shaking at the angst skskks I SHOULD LET THIS COOK FOR MORE EPISODES CUZ MA HEART CANT TAKE IT even if ive already read the novel lmao
also i know that this isnt a bl but why do i keep expecting that at some point yjh and kdj are gonna kiss? these angsty emo fuckers playin with my heart frfr