meh its got an interesting concept and nice art but there is nothing but cotton candy in the FLs head. shes like la la la oh wowzeres I just teleported! Looks like im locked in under suspect of being a spy! woopsie doopsies oh wellllll! 0 sense of any kind of panic or normal human reaction to suddenly developing teleportation powers and being locked up. I also found it really cringey how she teleported into a kiss #-.-). I can tell i'm probably not going to like this story. Its got good art, good concept but not my taste in writing. If you like fluff and non-sequitur cutesy stories this is more for you. I was hoping for something with a bit of grit or drama but it looks like its shaping up to be a fluffy slice of life rom com with a cute and clutsy FL and a overbearing CEO ML.

Anonymous created a topic of You've Won Me Over

This story is actually really interesting. I decided to take a chance and read it and it was pretty unique and at times quite funny. it has a good mystery and good art. some of the characters are a bit cliche but i think it works in the setting of the novel. It does drag on quite a bit and not much is solved by ch 40 but if you are wanting a better idea of what the story is about I wrote a synopsis below-Minor Spoilers:

The story revolves around 4 elites with bad personalities all suffering the exact same weird illness that modern medicine cannot diagnose or cure. They are gathered together by a mysterious agent K who takes them to a strange mansion that none of their servants can locate or find on a map without K guiding them there. Here he tells them that they are all cursed because of what they did in their past lives. They had all been servants to a madam Jung and had all contributed to her demise thus were cursed. Here comes our FL who is the reincarnation of madam Jung but in modern times is just a regular average down on her luck part timer. She is confused and flustered as she is told she has to choose only one of the 4 to be forgiven and freed of their curse. the others will perish. No one believes this initially but she has strange powers over them that force them to obey her commands and with her touch she can relieve the symptoms of their curse. Thus begins their strange co-habitation where they all are trying to win her over to their side. Along the way their relationships develop as they work as her servants and we get flashbacks to their shared past that help uncover the mystery of what happened to Madam Jung and her servants. We are also told that there is a past lover and a past traitor and if she chooses the traitor they will surely lead her to her death. As of Ch 40 not much has really been revealed and we are only now starting to really get a good look at what happened in the past and who they all were.

Every character in this is an absolute asshole. The dad is an arrogant neglectful prick that fails at every turn as a father and is totally unlikable. the sister is a two faced homicidal bitch who is totally unlikable. both of her brothers are two faced assholes that are totally unlikable. and her knight is the most conceited, obnoxious and prejudiced prick who is totally unlikeable. I read 20 chapters hoping the FL could get even a small win and she didnt. she just gets endlessly shat on and yelled at. An 8 year old. her dad, knight and siblings all mock her and shame her for somehow not being better. An 8 year old. Who has been basically raised isolated and abused. And the dad thinks he did her some grand favor after avoiding meeting her like 5 times during an attempted murder investigation and then just sweeps in to clear out her maids while hardly investigating anything. then not a week later ships his 8 year old who is recovering from extreme neglect to a epidemic hot zone. Real father of the year here.

I can already see how this is going to go. she is going to figure out how to cure the epidemic and the asshole brother is going to take credit for it and she is just going to be shit on some more. The only emotion this series will make you feel is anger. anger, frustration and annoyance. there is no joy to be had here.

wow. She really didn't even think twice about her kids. Like she dosn't even mention their names that's how little shits she gives about her own damn children. what a piece of shit.

Anonymous created a topic of Heavenly Match Manhwa

i mean i get where she is coming from but at this I don't think peace is an option.

Anonymous created a topic of Boredom Causes Death

this is top level writing right here. how could they write such real and lifelike characters??? This is amazing.

I just have so many questions about the anatomy happening here if the men are the ones having the children. So is it just an aesthetic swap and they have a traditional V and a womb but look masculine? Or is it a male seahorse situation and they have like a pouch or something. Are they hatched from eggs? do they come out the dick? Magically materiaize from wishes and dreams? Do the men breast feed??? and if so... how? why do the women have tits if they dont? Do the women have dicks? Is it like a prehensile V like a hyena? Maybe some kind of fictional anatomy downstairs that will never be explained? I know I will never get the answers I need and I assume you aren't supposed to think about it too hard but like......I need answers here.

I kinda feel bad for the brothers :/ they love their sister so so much but the one they knew is already dead. It probably brings them peace to have the MC pretend but if they knew the truth I wonder how upset they would be.

Anonymous created a topic of Amakusa 1637

holy shit this is a blast from the past

Anonymous created a topic of You Are Extraordinary

man she'd have a heck of a case for a workplace harassment lawsuit if she just invested in a voice recorder lol

Im dropping this for now. It has some interesting concepts but she is just too childish and whiny. Hopefully she gets better later but she really is acting like a kid demanding to go on her dad's business trip. im not sure how old she is but she DEFINETLY is not acting like the adult she says she is. She's not a bad kid tbh its just.... I know they are going to be pairing her with Zion and its just kinda creepy how childish she is and how hes a straight up caretaker for her. Also that was super irresponsible to take her on a mission like that when she is obviously not ready for it.

Anonymous created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

I see his point and I think it's pretty valid for a really high noble like him who probably just sees the maids as ants. But she has a really shaky position as a commoner baby mama who dosn't have any solid backing so if the rumors got out of control and created a rift between her and the inlaws it would probably put a target on her head and they might find some way of getting rid of her because of all the drama. Plus if she has a good relationship with the maids and workers she is less likely to be hassled and abused. I do think he should just let him fire them though lol.

Also it just feels bad to be gossiped about and have people call you a wicked woman for no reason. most people's reactions would be to want to fix their reputation somehow or correct the rumors.

tbh hes a pretty shitty black lotus. like usually they are at least adept at being superficially charming and likable. he's just openly hostile and mean to everyone except his sister. this should be titled "The Guide to Capturing a Shit Head Sis-Con"

Anonymous created a topic of Marquis, Leave Me Alone!

meh i got about 12 chapters in and I think I'm done. She's not the worst but shes money hungry and kinda stupid. I had to quit when she rubbed her face on a expensive vase for no reason and broke it. like wtf so stupid. The plot has way too many coincidences and plot holes. He banned her from eating spicy food but didnt think to explain its because he has a allergy to chilli Tbh I can understand why her coworkers hate her she really has been nothing but trouble to them since she got there. ML is bland bossy ceo type that is sometimes a vampire. It's not the worst but its also not the best. Alright if you are bored but im passing on this one.

My problem with the ML is that he didn't just do one or two things to hurt her. He wasn't somehow misinformed or didn't realize what he was doing. He knew exactly what was going on and turned a blind eye to it for YEARS. And didn't try to come up with ANY way to stop it. the dad straight up told him he was going to drive her over the edge and he just say back and let it happen. He was frankly a coward and a shit head and I find what he did unforgiveable no matter how sorry he is now. In this lifetime he was still a shit head until he got his old memories back. He is not a good person. He is a guilty son of a bitch who is trying to make things right because he knows what he did was so unredeemable. If I was her I could maybe forgive him since he genuinely seems sorry but I would never trust him or like him again after that. I find him incredibly unlikeable and no amount of gifts or apologies will make up for the years of neglect and abuse she suffered because of his negligence.

Anonymous created a topic of How to be Good

this was an interesting roller coaster god damn not what i expected

Anonymous created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

tbh kinda bored of the whole dress saga....I feel like its really been dragging on

Anonymous created a topic of Obey Me

I actually really like this one! the translation isnt great but the art is and the story is interesting. It is not an ISekai but it follows similar beats. The FL was engaged to the crown prince who abandoned her for a barons daughter that he loved. She left the capital to get away and during a snow storm got entagled with some kind of powerful demon or magician like man. She is trying to carefully monitor him and keep him placated so he dosn't do something dangerous since she can tell he is very powerful. It is a slow burn and the description is misleading with how spicy it is at least so far nothing has really happened between the leads other then some polite banter.