Anonymous created a topic of Everything was a Mistake

the title should be "Everything was a Misunderstanding" a tedious long series of misunderstanding stemming from a complete lack of communication of anyone involved.

I assume its one of those things where the ml is going to be one of the brothers but they arent actually related at all.

translation is kinda bad and the FL kinda sucks... sorry but she is a clumsy cry baby who freaks out whenever shes around the prince. Like I get crying because you have been suddenly hit by a car and thrown into a new world. that would have been totally normal. but like 3 days into this new life a maid dosn't say hello to you so you cry....after getting the apology you demanded. idk it feels like its just trying to hit plot beats of strong fl redemption stories but is missing the mark entirely. also i hate that not even two chapters in shes already tripped and fallen on the ml, blushed and went kyaaa! because she saw him without a shirt and has conveniently talked to herself about how hot the prince is while he was pretending to sleep so he heard everything. just.....just cringe tbh

nah i dont buy it he's not gonna see her again is he? I bet its going to be another two near misses and 5 chapters before he sees her. They gonna drag this out as long as they can i just know it!

i dont see romance as a tag and this comforts me so much right now. dear god i do not want a grandma paradox especially with a freaking SERIAL KILLER

if anyone has spoilers please put them here im curious how this is going to develop but ive been burned so many times in these kinds of plots

I do appreciate how even the description knows we don't care about the setup anymore since it is the exact same thing every time

this is actually super under rated! Im really enjoying the art and story so far! I thought it was just going to be another dumb isekai where they use a mundane cheat that end up being op but its actually a lot more interesting then that. Its actually really well written!

Anonymous created a topic of On the Emperor's Lap

this feels like the comic an unfortunate protagonist would read right before their death only to end up isekaied into that world and now has to do everything in their power to avoid their shitty awful fate with Kiris by avoiding or destroying him with all their power

Anonymous created a topic of The queen of flowers

he is so unnecessarily rude to her-like she literally has never done a single bad thing to him and he has only ever been hostile to her. He even knows she isn't there by her own choice and would rather go home. He's just being a dick for no reason. I hope she can get a divorce and leave.

welp. I wonder what kind of misunderstanding she is going to come up with to delay getting together with him....

this one has some weird pacing going on but I don't hate it-idk why she dindt just get her og body back though. kinda curious whats happening with her original body right now. like are they both co-existing in the same plane? did their souls swap? really curious how that is going to play out tbh

Anonymous created a topic of Limited Time Princess

man I need some spoilers for this series-what the heck is going on???

Anonymous created a topic of Emperor's Mask

ok but like if you want to cut back on the budget and stop people from killing themselves.....maybe just choose one already? or tell them all to leave? like....this could be solved pretty easily my dude and you are blaming a bunch of women who probably didn't even have a choice but to go there.

Anonymous created a topic of Baby Empress

Its a bit bland tbh. It's to be expected because she is a literal orphaned child so i don't expect her to be riding into war and pulling some grand political schemes but its also just not very exciting seeing a 6 year old scared of a horse for like 2 chapters. I don't hate her or the series. Really there is nothing annoying about the story or the characters its just very empty cuteness right now. Like a marshmallow- cute fluffy and fun but you get sick of them real fast too because its just all sugar.

Just a cute MC going through the standard motions of she is the chosen one and everyone loves her because she is precious. But she had a troubled childhood and is insecure. And she has all this trauma to deal with. It seems like they are building up to some mysteries and things later with talks of shinsus and war on the horizon but so far its just your standard daddy daughter fluff you can read about in 20 other series.

I'm debating dropping and coming back later to see if its developed into something with more nuance because right now its a pretty stock average variation of the reincarnated princess with daddy issues settings. Again there is nothing really offensive here it's just a very standard slice of life series right now. If anyone knows if it gets more drama or action later i'd be curious to know.

i think its kinda funny how people get hung up on staying accurate to the og greek mythological ships. The original was a pretty traumatic story where he kidnapped and raped Persephone and she begged to be free from him but was only allowed out for half the year and essentially was tricked into being with him against her will. If you want real accuracy you are basically asking for a story of abuse and truama. I really am not a fan of these new stories that like to pretend she was actually into him the whole time. Imagine if 2000 years from now people start writing comics around Taken In Broad Daylight where that crazy guy kidnapped that teen and abused her for a week before she escaped. But they turn that story into a rom com where the two are just misunderstood and she learned to love him. Just kinda messed up imo you're ignoring all the bad historical bits for the ones that make for an exciting romance.

man he really sucks. He knows she didnt have a choice to marry him and even though she tried her best he still treated her like shit. Now he gets jealous that she is trying to move on before she is callously sold off like second hand goods because he abandoned her and he's still mad at her. I hope she dosn't forgive him. He should be cursed with limp dick for the rest of his life

all these characters are acting pretty trashy. I get that FL knew the original script so she dumped him first but that really dosn't excuse her rinsing through every man in the city and serial dumping every man she meets. Like if you can't keep a relationship for more then a month maybe just stop and take some time to be single instead of stringing all these dudes along and wasting their time until you feel like dumping them. She really did Leo dirty and has no real excuse for that at all. Like if you were so scared just don't date him at all. why get involved? I find her wishy washy attitude about him really shitty too. Saying she liked him so much but she didnt want to get hurt? WHAT SO ITS OK IF HE'S THE ONE HURT? she has such a selfish attitude to relationships. She is so concerned with getting in too deep that she will be hurt if they leave her she does the exact same thing to everyone she meets. she is honestly a real bitch about it and she just needs to stop dating until she is over these insecurities.

Then Zion KNOWS his buddy is still obsessed with this chick and he is making every move possible on her. like that is just rough. I get they broke up quite a while ago but at least give your friend a heads up or something that's just a real dickhead move to make. Then keeping their relationship secret too? yeeeesh. way to backstab your bro.

As for Leo....he is the most inoffensive of them but also like man she dumped you twice and has rinsed through have the counties eligible bachelors. give up man. She's obviously moved on. I can't fault him for shooting his shot but he's gotta give up. HE can do a lot better then her. she is basically just a piece of cardboard with a pretty face she has like 0 personality. why did he even like her? hes never even said why except that because she dumped him he cant forget her.

idk. i am still following this but the leads are really kinda shady thots.

Anonymous created a topic of Another's Love Story

man what a freaking asshat the ex is. strings her along for a whole month and dosn't even have the balls to even break up with her while his side piece is inside. they were only dating like 3 months too all he had to do was text "Het lets breakup" instead of saying he was sick. just wow.