Anonymous's feed

Anonymous created a topic of How Dare You

ML is a bit of an ass but to be fair they do owe a shit ton and are years late on paying it plus she is the one who offered to be the collateral. Though if I was her and the aunt i would have just skipped town tbh idk why they are sticking around yall better off leaving the country at this point. All you have is each other and a pot just get out of there you idiots. And why havent they sold the house yet? they could also sell their titles too. yall have known about this debt for god knows how long its not like it just snuck up on you. sell the damn mansion and get a job to pay down your debt or something!

IDK my standards for MLs are sadly pretty low considering what we usually get so maybe its just me but he dosnt seem that bad. like hes not like the ones who demand they pay the debt with their bodies. At least it seems like hes not forcing her to be a prostitute (at least for now). A bit sketchy that he is trying to pawn her off to the princess because she resembles their dead mother buuuuuuut I mean there are a lot worse ways to pay off a debt then that. Idk why he is getting so much hate for lending them money and giving them a pretty gracious extension to pay it off in 10 years. yeah he could be nice and just take the house and cut his losses but they have a business to run and it seems like its against the law to default on your loans in this world so its already pretty nice of him to not throw them in prison for this.