I can understand why Ludis is so divisive. We as readers know that Lavane isn't going to be a threat to her and that she can be braver now. Strong fierce heroines are almost always fan favorites because we love seeing strong queens who don't take shit from anyone. but I kinda like how she is written I think it suits this story better. Like she has gone through so much trauma and the only people around her are really just strangers she hardly knows. and one of those strangers is basically a walking nuke that she just got the codes for. What would you do if you are just walking down the street one day minding your own business and suddenly someone pushes you down a flight of stairs and chains a man with a machine gun to your neck? its a really scary feeling you just faced death and now have an unbeatable weapon thrust on you. Sure no one in their right mind would mess with you with that hanging around all the time but its also incredibly uncomfortable to suddenly have this massive threat looming around you no matter where you go and whether you like it or not. you also have no idea what hes thinking and there is nothing you can do if he suddenly decides to aim that gun at you or anyone else around you. She didn't ask for this and she didn't want this. She is just forced to make the best of it and try to do the responsible thing with this new power. Ludis isn't and never was a heroine she is a victim who is trying to survive. Hopefully she gets braver and more confident and eventually becomes a heroine but right now i think its ridiculous to expect her to be brave and confident with this situation.