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Anonymous created a topic of The Emperor's Woman

to be honest its......kinda feels like it was written as a 14 year olds stream of consciousness. Nothing really has a proper explanation. Like why does she get a do over despite being a horrible bitch for no reason at all? Why did she somehow get magic spirit calling powers? What happened to the random elf she rescued? Why couldn't the prince have summoned her to meet earlier if he was so curious? Why even disguise himself if his point is to meet his fiance? How did he ingratiate himself into their friend group so quickly? Why did Flare feel the need to forcibly throw them together despite her being visibly uncomfortable around him? Why did they even invite the bitchy snob girls? The pacing is so weird i cant tell if its been 3 days or 3 weeks since she got to the school.

Then a lot of the characters and their actions are straight up caricatures with no nuance. the green haired bitch is mean for no reason. instigates for no reason has 0 tact and the way they dealt with her was absolutely absurd. like she is still a nobles daughter and they grabbed her by the neck and choked her until she bled from the mouth and pissed her self in front of a whole room of witnesses. frankly-that was totally uncalled for when she was just basically childishly taunting people. Then Flare freaked out when he heard that the two bitchy snob girls broke into his girlfriends room and found the pen he gifted her on the floor. He acted like she fricked his brother or something.

Basically this whole series is one literature trainwreck that I can't quite look away from. its not good but it is somehow mesmerizing in how dumb it is. Like it is the unintentional parody soap opera of every reincarnation story ever.