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Oop July 22, 2021 4:09 pm

I'm trying to find a manga its a bl. I don't know how to say it bc I'm bad at explaining but basically there's 4 people and they're all boys. There is also 2 dogs and then 2 of the boys imitate the dogs but the dogs start fucking. THAT'S ALL I KNOW BECAUSE I SAW IT ON A TIK TOK BUT IT GOT REMOVED. Help me please

Oop June 18, 2021 5:34 am

Okay so what I remember from the chapters that I've read. There's this boy who is looking for a "Queen" that will do everything for him while in the bed. But then he goes to meet up with someone from the app/site he's been on, turns out it's a guy. Someone might remember this so I'm gonna say it, the guy tells him to go to a
certain stall at the park I think? Anyways yeah so the guys wants him to have his ass out so he can fuck him- . That's really all I remember so like PLEASEEE HELP ME FIND IT I'LL MARRY YOH IF YOU FIND IT

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