Spoiler warning!
I feel disappointed with the spoilers I love the twin relationship and all so it makes me a bit sad that Arien will be the main lead that gets together with their guardian. IT SEEMS WEIRD! I COULDN'T CARE LESS OF THE AGE DIFFERENCE BUT I DON'T WANT THEM TO HAVE A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP! I really liked that they have their own personal guardian and i wanted that kind of relationship. And because the guardian will become Arien's lover, don't you think that when the twins are both in danger, their guardian would help Arien first?? Because why wouldn't you choose your own lover?? AND ARJEN LOSES HIS POWERS TO SAVE ARIEN TOO?? I won't drop this story because I want to finish what I started. I'm a bit taken aback but I will just hope for more good things to happen.
its okay, you can have Daniel. Give me silver haired dude