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dissharu created a topic of Form of Sympathy

From both sides of the characters, Yuri and Seonwoo, we can see how the adults have failed them in one way or another. From Yuri not receiving proper love, to his adoptive sister feeling like she was a burden and only used to make Yuri's parents feel good about themselves. Then, we have Seonwoo's mother being a narcissist who likes to shift the blame and talk bad about others. Lastly, we have A's parents who left him behind, his father missing and his mother abandoning him. These characters, they all have their fair share of open wounds that are not yet healed. So, for them to act in this or that way, not saying that Yuri hurting Seonwoo is justified, but I can see an inkling why it happened. They are all hurt, trying to find the proper way to make sense of things and navigate through life. This chapter makes me cry so much.