you know at the end if he has just told her what happened instead of keeping quite it. Plus she caught him kissing someone and the way he treated her that time so of course she lost trust cause of that. How would he like is she was kissing someone and he caught her and she acted the way he did. That frustrated me so much.

Y are women so stupid sometimes. It makes me sad to call myself a woman when I know there are really women out there like the one in the last story. Have some pride in yourself. And don't forgive him so quickly make him suffer for a while first. What he did was wrong. Its always like that when men mess up like cheating. If the women take them back then shes the one doing all the work to forgive and forget. The guy just has to stop talking to the broad he was messing with. Now I'm venting ugh pissed me off.

What about his dad? The story just ends there? I thought for sure that he would have to fight the guy who took his brother. And I thought that since he couldn't bring himself to take her powers that he would find a way to sneak her in to see his dad so she could heal him. There has to be a part 2 right? There's so much more story to be told. I want to read it
I love that he ended up with his crush but it it was real life isn't his crush just being codependent. In the real world that kind of relationship wouldn't last cause sooner or later it falls apart since it was only serious on one side. It makes me feel bad for the youngster. But this is why I love manga and anime cause they don't really follow real world rules. I live this author BTW please make more manga