gelishoes want to do ( All 1 )

first kiss

gelishoes's experience ( All 0 )

gelishoes's answer ( All 2 )

My first anime was Naruto, but I didn't really liked it when I was a kid, because there were too many fighting scenes (and I was a girly kid back then). My first manga was surely a shoujo something manga, but I can't remember it.   reply
05 01,2017
Maybe 8 or 9? I can't even remember, but it was Boku No Pico. It got me really intrigued, and I even hopped to the ship of bandwagoners who tease newbies for some "fresh" animes. It wasn't really that new to me, because I've already lost the virginity of my eyes since I was five. Got a sad childhood. (´;︵;`) Anyways, I'm glad that I found out wh......   reply
05 01,2017

gelishoes's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tell me ur zodiac w o telling

Head in the cloud. Can be whimsical and fun but moody and blunt too. Fickle but loyal. Independent. Contradiction describes us well.

9 minutes
want to do stuck my cock in a blender

i dont have a dick but if i did i would

4 hours
did tell me ur zodiac w o telling

Perfectionist. Prolly has OCD. Face has subtitles. Fussy and hypercritical.

6 hours