am i the only person who is not at all okay with the fact that the rapist is getting a redemption arc? i just want the uke to work on himself. form a great friendship with that servant girl, enjoy the father-son dynamic with the crown prince, and have him die without hatred or resentment. You know find a state of peace. And then have the crown prince grow up and learn from the mistakes his father made with the uke and use the ukes influence to become one of the greatest monarchs his bloodline has ever had. Then keep the promise his dad made to the uke of building something that lasts thousands of years. Idk that feels like a healthy happy ending to me.

He not just rapist, he also abuser, killer, tyrant and bad parent. Pretty much a shitty person overall. But we all human so I want to see redemption but not like, 'I sorry and everything okay now' kinda way. He needs to fix his karma. He needs to be better emperor, better father, better partner. Overall redeem himself.

I mean I feel like he can't redeem himself. Realistically I would never forgive my abuser. Obviously its just fiction but there is a difference between growth and doing a full 180. What he's displaying is repeated behavior. And isk I feel like him losing the use the first time was a wake up call sure but it takes more then that to change a behavior. Idk just my opinion

louis honey if i were in your situation i would not be provoking the crazy ass serial killer who has weapons and you tied up. Personally, I would shut my mouth and for the sake of my child and I play along for as long as I have too. But Louis honey do you, it's not like you ever take my advice anyways. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
what manga was the guy in the red collar from?