hooman July 21, 2021 1:51 pm

what the fuck is wrong with him absolutely disgusting

hooman July 10, 2021 4:31 am

that mf better let him sleep

hooman June 6, 2021 3:01 am


hooman June 6, 2021 3:00 am


hooman June 6, 2021 2:58 am


hooman May 31, 2021 4:10 am

this isn’t okay they are literally minors come on

    valoras May 31, 2021 4:21 am

    literally...........some of u are weird af......................

    MonMon May 31, 2021 5:18 am

    Deku is an adult it says so on the first page before the chapter starts, and Bakugou and Tordoroki can be consider adults because dogs and cats become adults at 15 months old. They have been with Deku for a year and they were young not babies when he first adopted them, so they are all adults. This is not a shota.

    V..Duei..V May 31, 2021 6:35 pm

    The author said in this dj Midorya is an adult + dog and cats age works differently so they'll basically afults

    KIra June 1, 2021 9:05 am

    Dont highshcool teenage boys and girls have s3X too??

    K_KELSEY June 1, 2021 11:16 am
    Dont highshcool teenage boys and girls have s3X too?? KIra

    But you don’t sexulize them

    K_KELSEY June 1, 2021 11:17 am
    Deku is an adult it says so on the first page before the chapter starts, and Bakugou and Tordoroki can be consider adults because dogs and cats become adults at 15 months old. They have been with Deku for a yea... MonMon

    Please shut up. You can’t age up a character that’s not yours. Deku is 16 and so is Bakugou and Todoroki. Stop justifying this

    MonMon June 1, 2021 12:38 pm
    Please shut up. You can’t age up a character that’s not yours. Deku is 16 and so is Bakugou and Todoroki. Stop justifying this K_KELSEY

    You can age up a character it’s basically the same as making fan art of them as adults. The only difference is that this is a chapter long of images that can be considered fan art.

    K_KELSEY June 1, 2021 3:11 pm
    You can age up a character it’s basically the same as making fan art of them as adults. The only difference is that this is a chapter long of images that can be considered fan art. MonMon

    Shut up. You sound so stupid. It’s not the same.

    MonMon June 1, 2021 3:21 pm
    Shut up. You sound so stupid. It’s not the same. K_KELSEY

    Ok. I respect your opinion.

    scarhachiman June 2, 2021 12:16 pm
    Shut up. You sound so stupid. It’s not the same. K_KELSEY

    dude i understand what you’re saying but don’t be so bitchy about it. no one wants to listen to someone that calls them stupid and to shut up..like just explain calmly? right off the bat you told them to shut up- i even agree that ppl shouldn’t age up characters for the sole purpose of being able to sexuality them. but just educate ppl...your attitude sucks. i understand that other ppl aren’t going to get what you’re trying to say right away, but why would they even want to if you’re coming at them so rudely sorry bruh i don’t mean to sound like a mother but that’s not how u educate ppl,,especially when it comes to important topics like this...you’ll never get them to see your side..

    scarhachiman June 2, 2021 12:21 pm
    Ok. I respect your opinion. MonMon

    damn u handled this person well...they were being so mean abt it, but i just like to say that it’s not enough that u simply respect this opinion,, all of them are minors. fans should not age up a character on their own simply bc they want to write stuff like this. it’s not okay, i say this in the most respectful way possible but really think abt what y’all are reading and fully understand the severity of things like this...it’s rlly disappointing that it’s so easy to get away with sexualizing minors even if they are fictional. it’s still not right at all. pls take it into consideration! there’s plenty of other good yaoi with ppl of age

    K_KELSEY June 2, 2021 12:22 pm
    dude i understand what you’re saying but don’t be so bitchy about it. no one wants to listen to someone that calls them stupid and to shut up..like just explain calmly? right off the bat you told them to sh... scarhachiman

    Oh. I see what you’re saying. But at the same time, they just sounded really stupid and for them to go around spreading that stuff is not good. So I told him to shut up. Anyways, I get what you mean. I’ll take that into consideration, maybe.

    KIra June 2, 2021 12:50 pm

    This kind of convo is literally in every mha doujin... I know its right that you shouldn't sexualize people and characters or aging them up to do these type of things but I've seen these type of conversation and read all of their arguments which I sometimes agree to everything...
    Deku in the original manga and anime is sixteen so is Bakugou and todoroni
    The author already made up their ages so don't change it
    You can write or draw something like this but dont sexualize them in a way its already clear that you are
    I know I shoudnt butt in these type of arguments but these kinds are really annoying tf outta me but I'll respect cause right now I dont know which is right or wrong so you can correct me if you can

    Jayce kun June 3, 2021 12:16 am

    This is a doujinshi and they are freely to do this to meet the reader who want to see kinds of thing that can never happen in the original story.. THAT'S WHY THERE'S A DJ.. they aging them up so we're able to see this kind of artwork.. Don't ruin this, this is a great dj, it really has a great art style, and if you don't want to see this kind of thing then don't read doujinshi and stay on the original manga.. Because if you keep reading dj's, there's a lot of thing (worser) kind of story you'll see that really different in the original. But it makes sense cause it's a DJ. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MonMon June 3, 2021 3:10 am
    This is a doujinshi and they are freely to do this to meet the reader who want to see kinds of thing that can never happen in the original story.. THAT'S WHY THERE'S A DJ.. they aging them up so we're able to s... Jayce kun

    That’s what I was trying to say, it’s a Dj. But I can still understand were the other party comes from, like Klra I sometimes agree with everything both parties say. I can also see that out of respect for the characters and the people who make them how this can seem wrong, especially since the original characters are minors. But I see it as there is a fine line between reality and entertainment and no matter what you say someone will always create content like this. Also I really appreciate how scarhachiman handled the situation, it’s refreshing to see people have a calm conversation. Then finally to K_KELSEY even though you were a little rude I value your opinion because it helps me reevaluate my own thinking, so we all can have independent thought and bounce ideology off each other.

    KIra June 3, 2021 4:25 am

    There's already tons of doujins and fanfic in anime history....its the readers choice if they want to read these type of things or not.. But I read these these type of things so I am comfortable but the others arent.. There is already a lot of weird people here in this site which I am one of them... The author of this dj worked hard drawing this cuz its hella hard doing anatomy so we should appreciate the authors work.. As of again if you arent comfortable reading yaoi dj's then read with caution and remember to look at the tags
    We arent wrong be arent right as well... That's why there's this thing called " opinion " because its your own perspective and your own comment
    And again you can create content like this but don't cross the line to far because it may cause discomfort and harsh arguments for the people who read it without caution :D
    Correct me if you can o(〃^▽^〃)o

    scarhachiman June 3, 2021 9:25 am
    There's already tons of doujins and fanfic in anime history....its the readers choice if they want to read these type of things or not.. But I read these these type of things so I am comfortable but the others ... KIra

    for the most part i agree, ppl are still going to do what they want and i fully understand the hard work this person probably put in to this DJ, but i will say that when it comes to sexualizing minors, it should not be a matter of “opinion”. they are minors. this person (and many others sadly) “age up” anime characters on their own JUST to sexualize them. it’s not okay at all. ppl get away with it and let it slide bec they add on “they are 20 years old here” but they’re not. in the animation and in the manga, that everyone reads, that is published by the actual creators..they are minors. i don’t think ppl truly understand how wrong it is to sexualize minorss D: it’s rlly sad to me that ppl see it as “well it’s my opiNion that i like to read minors having hardcore sex” like..no..i appreciate u seeing all sides..but do u really understand how severe the topic is? do u really understand just how inappropriate it is to do things like this? is it so difficult to put the same exact hark work and effort into good yaoi or DJ’s with adults??? isn’t it the same?? ppl have so many options and they choose the 15-16 year old boys??? i just don’t/can’t understand that “opinion”.

    scarhachiman June 3, 2021 9:28 am
    for the most part i agree, ppl are still going to do what they want and i fully understand the hard work this person probably put in to this DJ, but i will say that when it comes to sexualizing minors, it shoul... scarhachiman

    sorry when i said “isn’t it the same” i meant the hard work being out in to create things like this ^^

    KIra June 3, 2021 2:06 pm
    for the most part i agree, ppl are still going to do what they want and i fully understand the hard work this person probably put in to this DJ, but i will say that when it comes to sexualizing minors, it shoul... scarhachiman

    I understand your perspective.. I already know that these type of disagreements is very sensitive... I am also aware of the characters being minors and some authors sexualizing them how ever that's how society works even if we tell people to stop sexualizing the characters they still create or write things like this which is really sad :')
    We also cant blame the people for liking/enjoying them which is very sickening :'')
    Even if we try to stop people they still find ways to post/create/write these type of things

    - " bUt tHe CoNsEnT aGe iN jApAn iS 13
    No just no even if that exist they are still minors.. They still have a young body and a young mind even if its a fictional character
    I partially agree to the other party members because what they said was right and what they said was wrong
    And what I said was wrong nor right

    I also think we should end this conversation because if we continue this might get heated
    And yes I am fully aware that this topic is severe and sensitive or discomforting to others but then I again we should stop cause it might cause more confusion and more questions to the other parties that joined in the argument
    Correct me if you can :')

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