I really like that he's super OP but ohh come ooonnn stop it with the useless, irritating females. The heck is thier purpose in this anyway. If its meant for fan service, boy im disgusted ತ_ʖತ
As usual, females in this type of manhwa seriously ruin it ತ_ತ
{Im a woman but i hate this women(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻}
Keep reading... while there's always this kind of women in comics... at least he goes solo most of the time.
Tbh is not that we are misogynistic... but it really feel that most comic artists in general have little to no contact with women irl. From body proportion to how clothes work to personality/mentality. They all are only drawn to emphasize how cool amazing etc the mc is. There's no escape from this. u.u'
What щ(゜ロ゜щ). How the heck did we go there. Where - Wha - What(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻.
I'm out