Picasso asked a question

Please recommend me manga (preferably BL) about idols/otaku culture. Preferably a manga where one of the main characters is an otaku addicted to an anime idol. Thanks in advance.

Picasso asked question about lazing

Their music fucking bangs its just a shame that theres loads of weird shit surrounding them. I'm not even talking about the lyrics- i'm more so talking about the videos they had on youtube. The lyrics are so edgy that they're almost comedic. It really adds to their charm, i feel. Anyway, I ask this cause I told my friend that I listened to worldco......

Picasso did

8 people did   /   18 want to do

Ptsd of when i confessed to my priest about reading gay porn.

Picasso answered question about have an unpopular opinion
As someone who likes the fluffy stuff I'd say that my criteria for yaoi manga is: good art, good character dynamic (between characters), relatively short. I like reading short things so i read exclusively one shots or yaoi that's only one volume. I don't mind drama but a lot of the time it's handled pretty poorly which is why i drift towards fluff ......
Picasso answered question about lose weight
Whenever I listen to literally anything by Ritsuko Okazaki i feel like crying.
Picasso followed question about set something on fire
18 01,2021
Picasso answered question about question
I don't mind lolis, they're pretty cute. But sometimes they're designed to be way too cutesy that they stop being cute. For example, Sagiri from eromanga sensei. If they got rid of the bows and all the frills she'd be way cuter imo. For me personally the appeal of lolis is their skinny bendy stick legs.
Picasso like the answer
Lmao guys look at me! I’m so quirky for making fun of the 13 year old!
Picasso asked question about stay at home for several days


Picasso asked a question

If it does send me your worst ones.

Picasso answered question about stay at home for several days
Im unsure about my sexuality because i don't really feel strong emotions towards real people. I've come to realise, however, that i dislike when people label me as something (i.e "you're totally straight dude"). I once had a person say im asexual and god it felt fucking weird. The only time i enjoy people labelling me is when people call me gay as ......
Picasso did

105 people did   /   17 want to do

Playing shmups

Picasso did

21 people did   /   2 want to do

They don't call me procrastination king for nothing

Picasso answered question about making friends
Techwear. Ya boi just wanna look like Aburame Shino fam. Also trenchcoats because i am incredibly short.
Picasso answered question about test your personality type
US? You mean that guy from hetalia?
Picasso answered question about zodiac sign
Apparently i was infamous at my school for being scary, which i didn't even know until all my friends told me in our last year. I believe i was also infamous for being somewhat mythical, as in some people were arguing that i didn't actually exist-
Picasso answered question about making friends
During night time my brain filter stops working and i start making shitposts/rants about how lonely i am :(
Picasso answered question about test your personality type
Didn't get extreme on any of them. I thought i was gonna get level 3 cause i love food too much. Low on lustful makes sense cause other than watching porn i don't engage in any sexual activity (living that incel life lmfao).