ive got to admit, i didn't like this one. the characters basically went from acquaintances to sex friends to roommates to lovers to broken up in the span of a few chapters. the author didn't develop the romance very well, to be honest i had no idea they were officially dating until they broke up. and that made their reunion even weirder. its hard to believe their "love" would've lasted those two years apart, and the fact that they got right back on track as really annoying
i feel like the author had a really cool idea, and just didn't know what to do with it. i will say though, the romance between the sister and that celebrity was pretty cute. honestly id rather have a story about them

i like this story but its so exhausting. they had so many misunderstandings that could have easily been avoided. and it feels like the MC never even had the chance to recover from his rape. it just went from new problem to new problem to new problem, he never really had the opportunity to heal.
and the other MC (im bad with names) god he was frustrating. i love and hate him. hes so sweet and clingy, but he was a huge cause of a lot of their misunderstandings. the were broken up for those three months because he refused to listen or even let the other guy explain. a long term relationship ended so quickly. it wasnt all his fault, but he really needs to work on his communication skills.
im sitting here, after simon wakes up, sobbing uncontrollably. tears falling so hard they're going to leave a permanent indent in my cheeks. unstable breaths, barely alive from the harrowing and bittersweet sorrow that had taken over my soul. and then boom, the last two chapters were sex and smiles. SEX AND SMILES. my heart was broken into a million pieces and the ending attempted to fix it with a small piece of scotch tape
on to the real review, it was so fucking good. so good. my heart was captured by the first chapter and wasn't released until the last. i can still feel the imprints of it on my heart, i don't know if ill ever be able to recover from this one. the author did a masterful job at developing the characters. the racism, sexual abuse, and homophobia was depicted in a brutally honest light. the author didn't sugar coat it, and never justified any of the horrific acts.
the dog <3
connor and simons relationship was developed beautifully. they were the epitome of right person, wrong time. but then they found their right time, and they were finally able to love and i think thats so goddamn beautiful.
to be honest though, i did find a flaw in veronicas character development. i wish there was at least a tiny hint of foreshadowing, so that this drastic character turn didnt come out of nowhere. and also, even though veronica was a cause of so many problems and a lot of trauma for simon and conner, they would still have had to deal with attacks like that. i dont want the attack that connor had to face to be totally at fault of a crazed lover. hes a poc, and hes gay. he would have had to face that either way.
i dont think is a story i would reread. its similar to Stigma, in my mind at least. too traumatizing to put yourself through again. but i don't think ill have to worry about forgetting the story. this raw and beautiful work of art will stay with me for a while.
if you read this all the way, love you. please treasure this story for what it truly is. its not a bl, or just another manhwa youve stumbled upon. its a gorgeously crafted story that shows the naked beauty and complications in human relationships of all kinds, and a glimpse into what minorities have had to face for many years in the past and many more to come. as soon as i am able to financially, i plan on paying for this story on the official website, so i can contribute money to the talented human beings who worked on this. you should do the same.
LMAO the first paragraph you wrote just defined what i was like reading chapters 81 and 82.
anyway, i couldn't agree more with what you said!! i think the author managed to write a story that deals with so many complex themes in a lucid way. it was actually so fucking good, damn.
I totally agree with the re reading part. My mental health is too weak to handle it again. Same goes with stigma. Nonetheless this was a masterpiece