i just... want them to... stay seperated for a while... and to come together again, cuz they both fucked their relationship up... but i want them to come together again down the line.
Wonhae has a point while what he did was fucked
And doyun, had his reason, though he gave to much power to it.
They both fucked up, i want them to grow up a bit more before coming back together

It was good.
But they left alot of "strings untied"
Sirang being used?
The history of the foxes?
T H E O T H E R C O U P L E?
like it really left those things just... hanging.
Art 8/10
Sex scenes 10/10 (i liked that it didnt show much ither than their faces, made it seem more romantic and less smutty imo)
Plot 8/10
Recommend? 9/10
its kinda cute. Im vibing with it.
When will it be updated next? Was it dropped? I hope someone picks it up soon
Sorry, ment to like!!