My boyfriend also lost his father when he was like 15/16?? i don't really know his age back then because he hasn't talked about it yet with me. We've been dating for 7 months and I'm willing to wait for him to open up. He had told me when we first started to talk (not even dating), he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday and he said "and I'll tell you why I don't want to in the future" i get he did it bc we were nothing back then but i feel it's still a sensitive matter for him. Although i'm willing to wait i wanna know how he feels, and if i can do anything for him. But it's not a taboo matter, he mentions his father sometimes. And i get that is not a matter of my concern, but yeah, should i talk to him so he opens up? Thanks for coming to my ted talk :)

Your boyfriend is a man so its possible he have hard time sharing. But also you have to be sure his dad.was a loving one. There is always the possibility the guy was a dick.
So the only thing you can do really is make sure your bf know he is safe with you and he can open up on everything (his dad or other subject) with him. :)
Him not talking to you about it isn't a testament of him not trusting you but sometimes stuff are hard to share so let him take his time. He might come around or not. But either way it's ok !
Just make sure he feel safe and at ease with you :)

Thanks for answering!!
I feel his dad was the best dad he could ever have, like both had the same passion with animals and i feel they did get along very well (I interpret this from the things he tells me) and i know he had a hard time when that happened (and i think it happened at an important date for him, like his birthday or at an important event) so at least i know his dad was not a prick.
I'll try to make him feel safe with me, more than i really am doing, and yeah i'll wait for him to open up, I don't want to make him feel obligated to tell me...
Again, thanks for answering , it helped a lot!!!!!
i can't take this anymore