The daughter sleeps with the stepdad on her wedding day for the last time. Months later, she’s married to Sousuke and pregnant with the stepdad’s baby (husband doesn’t know it’s not his) and then it ends.
Here’s the link
Sorry for the late reply. In the last panel of chapter 51, it’s only the fl and the husband. I guess the assumption would be that the fl’s mother and stepdad are still married because the mother refused to let the stepdad go even after finding out about the relationship. The whole story is essentially messed up lol
Love the story, but the dad can rot in the hottest pit of hell. He “kinda” was redeemed, but he still was a cruel, selfish man.
I have to disagree. That was not redemption, that was leaving a "boo hoo, I didn't really mean it, and I'm not a bad guy" letter to be delivered after he died. It's kind of like Josef Stalin leaving a million dollars (or rubles) to an orphanage in his will. A gesture like that cannot cancel out the cruel and deliberate pain he caused over and over. Redemption has to be earned. A posthumously delivered letter is on the same level as an e-mail reading "Sorry I ruined your life and caused the death of your children. Were back to being buddies, right? lol!" It just doesn't cut it.
I agree with all your points because at the end of the day, he still was a shitty person. I said “kinda redeemed” because he did reunite his daughter and her husband, but they would have never been torn apart if it wasn’t for the dad’s intervention. So, I agree redemption was too strong of a word for his attempts to right his wrongs against his children.
If he hadn't disapprove nthe accident might of not happened