Mc is out right saying NO and this guy is like “yOu sAiD We cAn gO AlL ThE WaY NeXt tImE” basic consent saying yes previously does not consent in the moment if they say no AND a pressured yes or being unsure IS A NO

YOU GRT IT! YOU ACTUALLY GET IT OH MY GOD!! He never fully agreed to it in the first place! Anything said in a barley conscious state shouldn't be taken as consent. Actually from what I remember he didn't even say yes! He just gave a single nod, that's not verbal consent and this seme know it and is taking advantage of that fact. I'm going to drow this series I stg

Sure the ending was kinda abrupt but I dont think this was meant to be a whole long story sure more could be improved but I like it as it is
I dont feel like he just replaced him I just feel like he found someone who actually is kind to him and not doing all that… sure he liked the other guy a lot but he became his nightmares and this richard well he helped him through all that n whatnot
I do wish I saw some more with the richard who lost his vision but i try to see through pascal’s lense… if i spent so long being tormented in my mind for something I thought i did that was horrible towards a person who did very horrible things to me id rather not interact further with them after finding out they are uh alive in this case
But overall this is pretty good i also like how these characters didn’t like have any denial with their feelings i wish real life was like that without so much prejudice or fear of liking someone of the same sex
Or at least that’s what it seemed like here i was very surprised when richard (green eyes) immediately accepted his own feelings lol I enjoyed this Im not saying it’s the best story ever but i enjoyed it
Im a certified yapper
I actually dont even get invested in the story anymore idk why i havent dropped it but i just read it cause im bored…. But eh that was kinda disappointing it didnt even feel sad to me at all the development of their relationship didnt feel that whole i guess it seemed like more of some sort of harem where mc doesn’t particularly show lots of feelings for one character idk
Idk how else to put it lol