It's for us Bi women, I hate y'all omg...also i don't care if it's written for men by men, that's the PROBLEM, It shouldn't be catered to you, it's literally OUR LOVE, how does that make sense, stay out of our buisness, u need to force yourself, and leave GL, even cute ones STOP reading, i'm tired of being in the GL fandom and then seeing there is not a single bi woman in it;
Just translated it to Gl and Girls because I saw some annoying gay man saying this
Edit: So uhh many people thought I wrote this on my own will Uhh I just kind off translated it tp gl Uhh anyway this one was the gay guy said to us fujoshi's
It's for us gay men, not y'all fetishizers, i hate y'all omg...also i don't care if it's written for women by women, that's the PROBLEM, it shouldn't be catered to you, it's literally OUR LOVE, how does that make sense, stay out of our buisness, also idc if u hate straight love mangas lmao, u need to force yourself, and leave BL, even cute ones STOP reading, i'm tired of being in the bl fandom and then seeing there is not a single gay man in it;
Yeah, Just wanted to say I didn't mean to tell youu to stop with the reading of GL, Tbh Im really sorry, But I really just want him to learn that just because we are girls (Some bi's to) we have no authority to read what we want
Btw I feel very racist because I keep saying "Gay" I actually support it but it's just annoying he can read Gl while girls can't read bl
im not sure what point you're trying to cross, is it the fact that boys romanticize gl or you cant find any biwomen in gls...
ok, so say it again but slowly... you realize fujoshis have been doing this too right....? you say it's for bi women but then u also say made by men for men.... most BLs are literally made by women for women. however, i do understand where you are coming from since most gay men are uncomfy with it too. BUT, it's their/our preference, they can't help it. if you don't like such GLs then just dont read it :D
what the fuck