So his mom died, and he wanted to kiss her to wake her up, but when he tried, she was cold, so he was traumatized of kissing, so... he manipulated and abused Jooin????? Bruh. This shit don't make no sense.
No, cuz the fact that the author added the alt universe made it worse. I feel WAY WORSE. OMG. But other than my tethered heart, the creator is amazing. The fact that I actually feel connected to the characters to the point where I cry with them is enough proof that the creator is talented af (i don't really cry to things like this).
Some of these comments... whoa. Anyways, here's my take: I'm not surprised that this happened. To the ppl that say "oh, huilin has never shown these type fo traits, I'm surprised" did we read the same story? Huilin has always been possessive and unknowing of boundaries. From the beginning of the story, she has been rude to sulhwa, and constantly makes choices for Jaehee, going as far as to take out her college competition and make way for her to get a job at her own school so they can stay together. That was the whole reason Jaehee broke up with her, but she never drew a clear line because Huilin was her escape from reality since she was a teenager. Huilin cannot accept the fact that she isn't the thing Jaehee goes to at the end of the day, so she decides to use force. It really isn't surprising... she's just using physical tactics instead of manipulation to get Jaehee now.
As for the ppl debating whether or not this is r*pe, and what Sulwha did in ch 24/35 was r*pe, I'm going to be as unbiased as possible. What Huilin did was definitely r*pe. Jaehee was extremely drunk, therefore cannot consent, and on top of that, after she pushed Huilin off and told her to stop, she didn't and continues with force. Some of y'all might say "it's bdsm though"... but you're wrong. As said in the manhwa itself, bdsm is all about consent. There are strict guidelines pertaining to when someone can be a slave and not, and to my understanding, Jaehee did not agree to be a slave this time. Just because Huilin was her dominant a few chapter ago, doesn't mean she has the right or ability to do the same now. Maybe she will stop when Jaehee says the safeword, but since this wasn't outlined as a play, I'm going to read this as SA or r*pe. With Sulwha's case, I think it was just toxic. They both agreed that while Jaehee stayed in her house, they were going to have that kind of relationship. I don't think that's enough to put Sulwha in the clear, so I'll explain it a bit more. On top of that rule, Jaehee was not drunk, and Sulwha made it clear that the bdsm play is gonna start, and because Jaehee was at her house at the time, it was "automatic consent". She was just SUPER angry and lowkey abusive. She stopped right once Jaehee said the safe word, and still regrets what she did till this day. THAT is something Huilin hasn't done. She has always felt entitled to Jaehee.
And the the people who are saying both are obsessive, I agree to some extent. But there's a difference between both of their love. Sulwha has has a crush on Jaehee since she was little so I wouldn't say that's super toxic; she just wanted a clear answer from Jaehee. Huilin on the other hand, as I said, feels entitled to do whatever she wants with Jaehee's life, and everyone around her knows that. IMO, THAT is more toxic.
Overall, this is a really fucked up manhwa. If you don't feel comfortable with these themes, I highly recommend you don't read it. I don't like any of Jaehee's relationships, but I'm not gonna equate them when one is obviously more vile. This comment is super long so I'll stop now lol. And I really don't wanna argue with anyone either, soooo ya
CAINNN, CMON, MY RESPECTFUL BOY!! get yawhi tf out of here.
Ok, so I really like it when the main character’s have their own faults, cuz it makes them seem more human. But omg… girl… the female lead isn’t making sense like ok, you’re scared to loose your job, to the point where you are willing to sleep with your student, but you also want to keep having sex with the cause of this whole thing, even though you don’t really want to have sex with the father in the first place… I think she needs to throw away her pride, cuz I think most of the things she does is in spite of the kid, or, she needs some serious third party input, cuz this is not it. It’s a good story though.
i feel like ppl are going a little too hard on Jooin. He really did love Yawhi, and it doesn't help when the other person is being manipulative. That's the thing with toxic relationships and people. Love is blind, and most people in those kinda relationships can't see what's wrong until it's too late, even if it might be obvious to outsiders. And what Jooin said was right; when outside factors (besides how Yawhi treated him during their "relationship") resurface, it makes you question things even more. Btw, if anyone is confused, I am NOT TEAM YAWHI lol, I'm just tryna explain what's going on
ok, I just caught up with this series, and I thought more ppl would hate Huilin??? Like- bruh. She's so rude to Sulhwa. She's not even petty. She's just outwardly MEAN. And how can Jaehee just sit there and tell SULHWA not to get mad??? I understand there might be a chance she could get fired because of Huilin's pettiness, but at this point she should know that Huilin is downbad for her to the point where she would forgive her no matter what. Even though she's unhealthily obsessed. Whatever. My final thoughts are: Huilin needs to let go of the past and stop being a homewrecking bitch to Sulhwa, Jaehee is problematic af, Sulhwa deserves SO MUCH better, and Young is a vibe
I usually end up supporting the main leads due to the fact that they're gonna end up with the mc no matter what. But this is the ONE story where I support the second lead sm. Yawhi... bro... at least in other manwhas, I can be like "this is fictional, so whatever" cuz even when they're being r@pey, it kinda fits the story (idk if that makes sense). But the kinds words Yawhi used are the same things an ACTUAL r@pist would say!! And when juxtaposed with CAIN??!?!? Bro, I'm sorry, I'm probably NEVER going to be on Yawhi's side. Team Cain forever :DDDD
I feel like a lot of ppl are forgetting that this is a psychological manwha lol. We're not really supposed to root for any of the "love interests," we're supposed to see how the story pans out. Ofc, if you are uncomfortable with any of this stuff DO NOT READ IT cuz it's extremely triggering. But again, for ppl that just want to read a fluffy romcom, you chose to click on this and read it. Y'all can't complain that the story is violent and too abusive when there are literally tags and the literal freaking cover with blood all over it. You saying it's abusive is stating the obvious. Still does not make it a bad story. Like come on nowww
omg. this chapter hit me so hard. I went to a school just like that, and the racism portrayed here is so fucking accurate, it hurts, especially as a first generation South Asian. Not to mention, people can stab you in the back anytime they want and use your race, ethnicity, or religion as leverage. And don't even get me started on pedos. I've had a teacher like that with a fucking brown girl fetish
Am I the only one that can't see all of chapter 32?
When you can speak Arabic but you can't read it T-T
I'm so sad bruh... I just KNOW he's gonna end up with the mole on the lip twin but I want him to end up with the shy twin T-T
OMG!! I love the female lead sm. She's not afraid to show her feelings. Like girlll, you actually confessed???!? I'm so proud of her y'all have no idea