Brother xu deserves happiness too! Please give him a suitable love interest! And I can’t wait to see the big reveal ughh!! I wanna know if Mr.Gu will still be with him and like him when he knows he’s a male
Idk why but I don’t want jooheon to forgive Lee kang because he was a big asshole !!! I know that there has been a character development but still jooheon suffered a lot ! So I want him to torture him a bit more and make him go sick and suffer... then maybe forgive him for the sake of taeyang
Yo if the ex tries to pull some tricks and tries to do something to our ml I will be ughh I’ll go and fight him, stay away from our baby
Now I can finally read at peace because I know louis's baby's father is Maetel
We will finally know who the top and who the bottom is, tho this gives switch vibes
Idk why but I think that when he used to send the gifts, violet didn’t receive them, I think that evil red haired biatch was the one to take them cause I found it so sus that winter always receives the clothes violet rejected with letters from that biatch telling him that violet doesn’t like luxurious shit...
Worst translation everrrr!!! SERIOUSLY. I can't read a thing. I think they meant to do it
Bruh I can't wait to see who the uke is and who the seme is !!! Tho I kinda know but I'm not sure, a plot twist could happen.