Larhivan created a topic of Blood Link

Please make us a story of the kids and more details of Kakia and InoI canā€™t believe itā€™s the end Iā€™m literally out here crying in the middle of the night cause this chapter was so wholesome !Iā€™m gonna miss Blood link so much! Itā€™s been a wonderful journey will all our babies! Lee bin Hwa Gok Seolhyun Lee hwa ino Kakia babies I love yā€™all and will miss yā€™all so much!

Larhivan created a topic of Payback
Larhivan created a topic of S Flower

I honestly wanted her to end with either Chulsoo or Dorim !! Homin deserves nothing ! I kinda shipped Dowon with Jiha! And I wanted her to be with either one of them! Iā€™m kinda disappointed of this end! But I still fucking adore this comic!!! I loved every single character, except Homin ofc! And the new guy with Jiha was kinda hot I wanted to see something happenā€¦ but too bad! TOO BAD THIS COMIC ENDED! I really wanted to see morecause Iā€™m too obsessed with it!!!

Larhivan created a topic of King's Maker

Iā€™d give my soul to see a baby bump on shinor WolfgangDoesnā€™t matter as long as thereā€™s a baby heir and theyā€™re married !

Larhivan followed a goer
03 07,2021
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Larhivan created a topic of Payback

This comic is amazing! Please someone drop the link to the raws! Pleaaase

Larhivan created a topic of Hold Me Tight

Finally a mention of the title in the comic ā€œhold meā€ as in ā€œhold me tightā€.
I actually feel Giovanni he should be scared of Felix leaving him cause Felix literally gave him hope in love and life! He changed everything so ofc he should hold him so tight and never let go of him! Felix you too!! Because of Giovanni, youā€™re now able to smile happily tho you still havenā€™t came out to everyone but still youā€™re happier now and you smile more and youā€™re finally getting and giving all the love and affection you need and have!!!

I read it again cause this is summer vacation and people are looking for fun and I'm looking for depression! I just have question tho, is the author okay? I dont think so.
As I was reading this again I literally cried so much that I ended up throwing up blood and having an asthma attack! And when Doctor AI announced that he's gone, I had a nosebleed! This shows just how much I'm immersed in this! Y'all can't believe that when I was reading idk why I had some kinda hope that maybe what I read last time isn't right! I know I migt sound exaggerating but I have a bit of a weak and sensitive heart so these things can quickly make me suffocate and suffer from an asthma attack. I just wish Doctor Ai would have a good life! And Zhishu will rest in peace! And that bastard to atone for his mistakes !

Larhivan created a topic of Heat and Run

Iā€™m really staring to think that Jaeho needs a beating and an earful!!! Because heā€™s just so slow and he doesnā€™t understand Ian at all! I know that Ian doesnā€™t elaborate also but when he asked him to mark him Jaehoo shouldā€™ve at least noticed something!! I mean how could jaeho not want to mark Ian, Ian can get stolen at any moment and Iā€™m afraid some drama is on the way!