I feel like he shouldn't have kissed him. First of all a sleeping person can't consent. But the worst part is that it's gonna be weird... Because even if the uke actually feels something for the seme it's gonna be a really blurry line between actual affection and dependancy. And I feel like even the uke won't know if he actually likes the seme or if he's convincing himself that he does because he NEEDS him to be an emotional anchor. I really hope it's dealt with well but I don't feel like it will be. And it's gonna be a really weird and unhealthy dynamic.

I would love to buy a physical copy. Does anyone know if there is one in English or in French?

Take a look at shu-cream’s from RED website, it’s where it’s published

The friend is annoying and has ulterior motives but he's kinda right tho... The dependency in their relationship is kinda creepy and honestly kinda toxic. Isolating someone so they can be the only thing they see or rely on is what a lot of abusers do in order to keep their victim with them. The uke is lucky the seme actually cares for him and loves him but yesh, he needs to be able to be independent either way

But I feel like the older brother is mentally challenged? Like, he does everything his little brother tells him. And he seems way too pure and childlike. Also the fact that he has to go to the hospital and that line by the little bro saying "he's gonna forget about it tomorrow anyways".
I really hope not cause if he is it's fucked up and creepy on a whole new level cause it's comparable to an adult taking adventage of a child.
Not them kissing after the dude barfed