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simigang created a topic of Jinx

Feel free to comment ur own opinions or theories :P

it seems like the pacing is going faster than i thought but still here are my predicted things i think will happen:
1. JK is trying to track down Dan. If the story was going to go fast, then the previous hospital would’ve had a clue. I think while searching for Dan, Dan’s past with the previous hospital he worked at (w the pervert doctor) will be revealed. And JK will learn more as to why Dan acts the way he does.
2. I think Dan may meet a friend in his new place?? I’m not sure but someone to support him (platonically) as he’s scared of being alone.
3. I really think Grandma is going to hold on until JK meets Dan again. Idk i just envision Dan being at peace letting her go and that won’t happen until he’s happy in other areas of his life.