I can't remember the name, but key points include:
-the tower was a way of making heroes to repel against an invasion of earth by some sort of cthulhu/evangelion monsters. no one involved knew this.
-after they exited the tower, they were unable to grow any stronger.
-the tower had 3 levels: easy, medium, and difficult. The difficulty could be chosen upon entry to the tower, and the more difficult the mode the stronger the survivors were upon exit. they did not know this at the beginning.
-whilst in the tower, they could talk to each other using some sort of forum. the mc did this on his second regression so he could share tips and hopefully increase the number of survivors.
-the mc chose easy the first time, but difficult the second time. the difficult mode gives each person their own tower without other humans in it. other modes involve a shared map of sorts.
-at certain defined points in the tower, the humans exit the tower back to earth and must repel monster invasions before being transported again to the tower.
Any help finding this would be appreciated. I have too many bookmarks and too few notes. Thank you.