I wasn't really expecting this parody to actually blow up xD omg. Imagine my surprise on the high rating lmao! thank you all for enjoying the brief parody haha - Blake
As for future updates, we kinda disbanded quietly cause we got even busier. So this might be completed on an open note [aka. ch2 is our last update] (︶︿︶) sorry for the ones expecting a future update. maybe one day we'll band together one final time for old time's sake

|-.-) I'm not here to flame or anything, just honestly curious. Is this trans, bl, gl, or whatever route in this manhwa? I'm so confused ngl with everyone's comments and I hope I didn't sound rude. I'm not saying that I won't read if it's this specific route btw. Just covering the base areas before I get an angry commenter for being picky or insensitive ┗( T﹏T )┛

I agree with all of the above Both leads were forced into roles from a young age. Technically its a hetero romance with the gender roles switched. In the beginning, they see the other as the same sex so you could say it's bl or gl but ehhh their relationship hasn't developed that much. It's not really trans more of a feminine male situation for Crystal

If Aaron can't keep up anymore, then maybe there's a way Master can still keep him without synergizing. Aaron isn't useless trading-wise if he was a Merchant. He can either be a trainer too or a production character. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Hoping the Author would give him an advantage ╥﹏╥.
I wish he could see his lil sis someday huhuhu.
Tw to those who actually like this:
Just skip me if you’re against what I said.
Is it just me or am I uncomfortable for our boy Jesse here? Like I kinda don’t like that he’s being harassed constantly by the FL and when the opportunity to say that he feels uncomfy with her presence he cowards out and just tolerates her. Same with the Cardinal and Sedric but they aight atm.
Kinda wished he could grow a spine someday and says to the Cardinal’s face and the FL that he is uncomfy with something and not just tolerate. Him just letting it be just enables them to do whatever they want without thinking what he’s ok with or smth.
In case you forgot, jesse is still a hostage (currently). He will subconsciously think twice before saying refusal/discomfort to (towards) heir/heiress or any person in power. We, as the reader, could see how everyone adore jesse, but it may not be the same for him (who seek survival at the forefront before any human relationship).
I’ve been feeling the same way from the start esp since the pink girl came, shes kinda forcing the mc to do everything but tbh everyone in this story does even tho mc is a hostage couldn’t he just reject on the pretense that he’s used his magic too much etc? Being a hostage is not really a big deal to refuse things, its not like they have his sister’s life held at gunpoint ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍