Melonade followed a list
Melonade followed a list

This isn't focused solely on smut: I just love when seme-kun can't keep
his composure and IT SHOWS, regardless of the amount of skin displayed!

 Footjob/Phone sex/Mouth-fucking ➺#2-18,61
 Fantasizing/ Masturbating seme ➺#16-62
 Sleep Sex? ➺#61-82
 Premature ejaculation ➺#18-21,82-110
 Intercrural/Grinding ➺#54-145

 Crazy-in-Love: Always lusts after the uke
 Switched ON: Sth makes him lose his self-control


14 07,2021
Melonade followed a list
13 07,2021
Melonade followed a list
Melonade answered question about needing therapy
That sounds like a crush to me okay BUT THAT CRUSH IS TOXIC
Melonade followed a list


☆As the name suggests, couples where one of the mcs is being bullied and the other is the one bullying them 

♤ Also includes stories where both mcs were 
 classmates and one was bullied by the other and 
 they have a re encounter years after.

 Sensitive Content is on

07 07,2021
Melonade answered question about chat about anything
It's the same for me it disgusts me of how people's opinions change so suddenly
Melonade followed a list


❖What I added >>
Full Color BL Manhwa/hua with ---
 historical attire
 historical setting
 retelling of fairytale
 attire from BC to 80's
 teleport to/reincarnation in ancient time
 adventure/martial arts/cultivation/fantasy 
with eastern/western historical sorta clothing

❖What I avoided for now --
 Deity with ancient attire in modern days
 reincarnation/teleportation to modern age
 retelling of fairytale in a modern setting


02 07,2021
Melonade answered question about question
Shitty i hate summer it's hot and THOSE BEES UHHHHHHHH
Melonade followed a list
Melonade followed a list