Omg, it’s getting worse and worse. Ash’s friends are so annoying. Ash already told you to drop it but you’re out there giving his number to his ex’s and conversing about his past lovers amongst yourselves at a party his current partner is throwing?? I wish Lyle was more confrontational and would walk in the room.
Friends who mention ex’s in front of someone’s new lover is the worst. That’s so awkward. Why would anyone think that’s okay to bring up?? Especially in this case where it sounds like the ex and him were really close? So tactless.
Omg, it’s getting worse and worse. Ash’s friends are so annoying. Ash already told you to drop it but you’re out there giving his number to his ex’s and conversing about his past lovers amongst yourselves at a party his current partner is throwing?? I wish Lyle was more confrontational and would walk in the room.