My hads off the the whole team.. especially the writer. This wasn't just a story.. but a whole experience.. As an aspiring artist, this will always be my point of reference for excellent character development and pacing.. this is truely an inspiration, and has solidified as one of my favorite manhwas

I can really take some insporation from this manhwa cause my god.... THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT.. this is how you begin to heal a tear in the relationship.. i love how the writing averts the two extremes when there are problems in a fictional relationship. Either the characters never speak again, or they abrubtly come back together in one passionate heat of the moment scene (the comman problem is that they never address the issues that occured to either give the relationship another shot or just to reflect in).. I appreciate that this manhwa normalizes that its ok to be with someone that you truly love dispite the Ls you both may take while together but it also shows the importance of healing the wounds so that you could move forward from the scars, and it takes small but meaningful baby steps.

Idk if its just me but i still have not recovered from the rape scenes and it feels forced to have a love triangle trope right after that. Chang's ass should have been straight cancelled after that.
Or at least I feel like there should be a whole chapter to see what was going on with ed and how he was feeling after that. Cause idk nobody that be thinking about their ex after a tramatic experience. Or maybe since they wanted to go this route, have had a chapter showing whats going on inside chang's mind and what lead up to him taking it that far and how he would mentally justify his actions ( i know there was a flash back sequence, but it would have really been interesting to see him rationalize his actions with past experiences) and it would atleast give his ass some redemtion.
Idk... i just feel like there should have been a momenf of reflection on both sides before we dive back into the romance.

I see what you're saying. But thinking of if realistically men aren't encouraged to show vunrability, so i understand why they would write his character to suffer in silence (and it matches his introverted, subdued personality). It is very common for alot of people (especially men) to hide their emotional and even physical woes from the persons they love and respect for fear or seeming weak, less than etc.
And who know... me personally sometimes choose to shut down and "vault" tramatic occurances inorder to cope and move on from it, so i can empathize with Ed's approach.
Send help