Hear me out? What if mookyeom fell so hard in love at first sight with nanjo his delusional ass is creating all this scenarios in his mind just so he can be with him. No? I mean hence the title?
Truck kun where art thou when we need you the most?
Wait! Will truck-kun be a part of the boss & the new guy relationship??? Like a jealousy device???
Truck kun is that random truck that comes out of nowhere in every story and just a kills off a character. lol
Dumb me though it was a real character ( ̄∇ ̄") But maybe, just maybe the author will use that cliché
Hear me out? What if mookyeom fell so hard in love at first sight with nanjo his delusional ass is creating all this scenarios in his mind just so he can be with him. No? I mean hence the title?