Zariya is one of the authors that makes manga like real life characters the way they're drawn.
its great to know that there is a story of this because i only read the 3rd chapter of this in another manga like a one shot....
2021-04-24 16:43 marked

- the previous master probably didn't mean to force him, as he sobers up when he sees how frightened our MC is and stops
- rather than pure lust, it seems the previous master is actually emotionally attached to our MC ... I'm not sure if that was already the case when the MC was 15 as much as it is now but either way, interesting
- our MC is grateful towards the previous master, he doesn't resent him but doesn't wholeheartedly forgive him or sth either.
It just makes it seem so... I dunno, human and realistic? As in, people make mistakes but when they're in full control of their mental facilities, they're more likely to not do the shitty thing. Plus feelings for people you have interacted with for a long time may be complicated, gratitude and hurt mixing and leaving a gray area of "not exactly on good terms but not the opposite either".
2021-04-22 16:35 marked
waahhh as expected of Zariya