Ajdgagacagfjafafaggesxsgaha eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how am I supposed to react because all I could manage was screaming for what reason, there’s to may to differentiate but the point is holy hell
I literally can’t process this I was screaming at 5am over him commanding his army at the end and seriously him with his normal eyes amazing him with those glowing blue eyes fucking hot but him with the purple eyes holy hell on earth I don’t even have words to explain it
I know right- he's soooo hwaaat and when there's a part where he's soo cool and hwaat I can't stop myself from screaming...!!! I wish if he was my boyfriend AHHHHHHHHHH- ~cute ass~
If that ain’t just a pure mood I literally had to bite my hand to stop myself from screaming it hurt like a motherfucker though
Ajdgagacagfjafafaggesxsgaha eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how am I supposed to react because all I could manage was screaming for what reason, there’s to may to differentiate but the point is holy hell