OH MY GOD this translator is SO BHJEBDASKJW BEAUTIFUL LMFAOO wait like the sarcasm, the sass, the humor, the determination, the little t/n's, not to mention the AMAzing translations and redrawings... AHHH IMPECCABLE, WONDERFUL, SHOW-STOPPING, INCREDIBLE DHGEHUWGDJKs
... dear translator, you're an amazing person. i love you. thank you and goodbye
someone please give me the link to the dongua
It's on YouTube (⌒▽⌒)
This should be season 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m346FShZ5Dc&list=PLMX26aiIvX5rWjEqareJBmoX-_uTFtemk
you can also watch it in Wetv
yayyy thank you so much i love youuuuu <3
thank you! will do! <3