I wanna go inside and kill those pinkish and that black hair! Fuk you all anyway i hope MC save white long gair
Ohhh dang he Anubis careful he might sniff ur butt Yanzi khahahahahahyayaga
Khahahahah hair perish
Yes yesh yesy eys yesbgdydydy come on marry 5 of em just the fckin main get it real that you
I never knew that their god is ugly cult creatures.. funny that she didnt break boundaries to the author real world lmao
What is this another laying egg for big surprise khahahahha
He should happy ending with 5 of em...
Onces start it became twisted at the end. Now im thinkin a head if they really end up together dem such a happy gae straight endin for em. Bro dude fallin inlove he cant deney that
I think the only one successful here is the black hair dude lmao those 3 extra will thrown away
Creators have so much bias, the 3 leads were drawn like side pieces
They deserve to be the side pieces
Nah like the way they act so childish, Navi would've probably been a full timee babysitter dating them
The worst part it these guys are the high ranking people makes u wonder how long it’ll take for the empire to crumble TT
I keep thinking about that toooo. It's not even my country, and they aren't even real. Why is this my problem
They are ment to be side pieces LMFAO cause wtf they are SO ANNOYING
It would be more funny if those 3 extra side dish got to fuk by MC lelz khahahahah
This manga fckin fast sadge.
I wanna go inside and kill those pinkish and that black hair! Fuk you all anyway i hope MC save white long gair