Really mad
Chen is just stupid, all his suffering is because of Koom but he abandon his sister to work for him and he put the fault of his suffering on a baby who did nothing, like wtf ?? If Koom didn't start a war his mother wouldn't have left... ( ̄へ ̄)
And Koom, just why doesn't he go fight himself ?
I really don't understand why they're mad and fighting when they themselves do the sh!t ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I've been saying that to Chen even if he was a character that didn't exist.Basicallt I've been saying that to myself.We have the same thoughts Chen is just really stupid but I guess you can't blame him because he literally was a child when that happened and he didn't knew how to live without a parent so basically he had to find ways but it was selfish for him to be alone and leave his sister.He is dumb.

People who say about Cain that "he's suspicious" "he's too good to be true" well even he is suspicious he didn't do anything to Jooin all this time and he had many occasions to.
But just because Yahwi is endgame(?) they give him a free pass to everything he has done to Jooin, if it was Cain who did it while not being the endgame they would be so mad ! It's not because he's endgame that he can everything he wants !
And having a character development doesn't erase what he did, just because he had a "sad" childhood doesn't mean he has the right to mistreat and take advantage of someone who trust him, not even someone "suspicious" like Cain did something like that
It's not because it is a webtoon/ a fiction/ or yaoi logic that you have to forget your morals
I haven't read the last chapters but reading the comments and I'm so f mad right now ヽ(`Д´)ノ
How does that makes sense ??